Seven Generations

Seven Generations Shaped By Gospel Broadcasts

FEBCFEBC Blog 2 Comments

“It all started with my great, great, great-grandmother, who first tuned into FEBC’s Liangyou Radio in China 50 years ago. Later, after being called by God to become a pastor, my great-grandfather established the Christian faith in our family. I’m the sixth generation of Christians; my children are the seventh.

“Our journey of faith was not without difficulties. At a low point forty years ago, when living conditions in China were not good, it was impossible to gather in church. When our family’s spiritual life was very fragile, God introduced us to FEBC. It was like discovering a priceless treasure!

Sowing Seeds

“We immediately began listening regularly. Liangyou Radio sowed a lot of seeds in our family. Now, my seven children and their families are Christians. We all serve God. If it were not for broadcasters at FEBC who helped us keep our eyes on Jesus, this would not be possible.

“Liangyou Radio has been a wonderful companion as long as I can remember. As a child, I loved listening to their programs till I fell asleep.

“My grandmother also listened to Liangyou Radio and shared much of what she learned with others. ‘What your grandma told us was better than the dumplings we have at Spring Festival,’ her friends told me.

Evoking Childhood Memories

“When I returned to China for a visit, I stayed with my grandma for a few nights. In the evening, I remained in bed with her while she turned on Liangyou Radio. I was grateful I could still hear those familiar voices and programs, which evoked many beautiful childhood memories.

“Liangyou Radio is a part of our family’s life to this day. It is such an honor to convey our gratitude on this special anniversary and to testify for the Lord. I want to tell FEBC, “The field God gave you is a lot bigger than you think. The wheat you harvested through the years is far more than you will ever know. Continue serving God, and ask Him for additional anointing to bless even more people. Thank you FEBC!”

–Jean, longtime listener to FEBC

Comments 2

  1. What a marvelous testimony–thank you for sharing this wonderful story! Radio so often goes where no man can… We praise God for FEBC & TWR!

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