FEBC’s Role During the Pandemic

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Natural disasters…widespread pandemics…wars. Cataclysmic events are shocking and sudden, frightening and life-changing. So, people begin searching…to regain equilibrium…to find hope.

For many, this season of soul-searching has led them to seek after God.

Every day FEBC faithfully shares God’s message of love and grace with a potential listening audience of 4 billion people. And now, as countries around the world have issued lockdown orders, forcing people to isolate and effectively cutting them off from the outside world, countless new listeners are tuning in to FEBC. They are finding comfort and peace in God’s promises, and along the way, discovering His greatest gift of all, Jesus Christ!

No Lockdown for FEBC

While much of the world has been sheltering-at-home, FEBC broadcasters have continued working 24/7 to reach people struggling with fear, disease, economic ruin, and death.

When the pandemic began, we knew our listeners were clamoring for up-to-date information, so each day our teams around the globe began sharing public health messages from local trusted sources.

Listeners were also desperate for answers to deep spiritual questions like: Where is God in all of our suffering? Our teams have delivered truths from God’s Word to help many pivot from anxiety to peace.

To meet the needs of so many listeners contacting our offices, FEBC staff have worked around the clock, encouraging people to turn to God and lean on His promises. This pandemic has resulted in many finding salvation in Christ!

Creative Solutions to Reach Listeners

When the pandemic began to spread throughout the world several months ago, FEBC teams had to quickly make adjustments to meet the needs of our listeners:

In the Philippines, our two Metro Manila broadcast teams committed to living in FEBC’s office/studios for two weeks at a time, to provide uninterrupted broadcasts during a very strict quarantine period.

In Cambodia and India, FEBC staff distributed Gospel Speaker Boxes (small audio devices) to poor communities so they could listen to evangelistic programs, worship music, and be encouraged during these difficult days. Our team in Cambodia also upgraded one of their transmitters to reach many more listeners. Additionally, portable radios were distributed to many families to help them have up-to-date information.

In Korea, besides 24/7 Gospel programming, the team offered online church services both Wednesday evenings and Sunday mornings since all churches were closed during the quarantine.

In China¸ the broadcasting team worked tirelessly to keep programs on the air. Many listeners used their forced quarantine to delve deeper into FEBC broadcasts. More than 700 new students enrolled in FEBC’s Liangyou Theological Seminary, which is our 2-year on-air seminary program.

In Pakistan, doctors were invited to share current updates on the air. Two new programs were also launched: “Till the Dawn Breaks” and “Don’t Be Afraid.” Our Audience Response Team struggled to keep up with the deluge of listener responses, as has been the case for many of our teams.

While this has been a challenging time for all of us, we consider it a privilege to be used by God to help others turn to Him and commit their hearts to Jesus. We also consider it a privilege to partner with you in God’s work. He has called us all to “make disciples of all nations,” and we are grateful you are part of our team. Thank you!   

Comments 4

  1. What about FEBC Japan? I have in-laws there. The husband had a stroke some time a go. They aren’t believers yet. I’m sure that FEBC Japan share the Good News, and invite people to accept Jesus , the Savior of the world. I had been one of the founders of FEBC Indonesia (YASKI0 with Rev. Yunus N. Atmarumeksa and the late Dr. Julius Ismael, who was our first national chairman, who appointed me as his successor for some time. The current chairperson was a former Sunday School student of mine. She’s also our legal advisor. Hopefully, more Japanese will accept Jesus as their Savior. God bless FEBC worldwide to lead many more nations to believe in Jesus Christ, particularly during this Corona Virus pandemic time.

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