Feedback from Listeners: November 2020.

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2020 has been an extraordinary year. If you only listen to the headlines, it probably seems like the news couldn’t get any worse – but but there is another story unfolding – a God story. All of the unrest has prompted people to seek God and find their hope and strength in His unconditional love through Jesus Christ. Lives are being changed as people discover the “peace that passeth all understanding.”

For evidence of this “God story,” look no further than the record-breaking number of listener responses flooding FEBC’s offices worldwide.

Listener Feedback

“As children of God,” says a listener from China, “although we are troubled, we cannot allow our hearts to be overtaken by this virus. May God continue to guard me and make me more like Christ.”

A listener from Southeast Asia shares: “I feel blessed listening to your programs. I can meditate on the words of love and more importantly, whatever burdens I carry, I know I’m never alone. Your programs bring me great comfort.”

“I used to feel really hopeless,” writes a listener from the Philippines. “But a friend told me about FEBC. As I listened to your broadcasts, I began to change. Thanks be to God that I know Him now. Your inspiring music and messages from God’s Word bring me great joy and peace.”

Letters and emails like these arrive every day. And the same theme repeats: a changed life due to God’s redeeming love and gift of salvation. In Him, listeners are finding hope, love, and life everlasting. We’re so grateful for your partnership. Together, we serve the One who is worthy of our praise.

As you read these responses, would you please consider signing up to be a part of our prayer team? We need prayer warriors like you to lift up our listeners and our staff, as they broadcast courageously to inspire listeners to follow Jesus Christ. 


Comments 1

  1. I have a friend in Santa Cruz
    Laguna in the Phillipines.
    what radio station can he tune into to hear your broadcast in Tagalog

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