Reaching the Unreached

FEBCFeatured Video, FEBC Blog 8 Comments

There are certain places in the world—even entire countries—with so few Christians that they have a special status: Unreached.

These are people who may live their entire lives never meeting a single Christian … right now, there are 3.2 billion of them. How are they going to hear what Jesus has done for them? Who is going to reach them?

Your gift to FEBC can help change this. With friends like you, FEBC is reaching the unreached in places like China, Russia, North Korea, and many more. Together, we are sharing the Good News in the world’s hardest-to-reach places.

The situation is urgent because FEBC’s Global Unreached Fund, which makes this work possible, now faces a funding gap. Will you make your gift today to reach the unreached for Christ?


Comments 8

  1. I would like to support the work of FEBC. I’m particularly eager to support the radio broadcasting and the work with children.

    My intention is to make a one-of donation of $1,800.00 and then, beginning next month (October 2021) make a monthly donation of $50.

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  2. Hi I’m just wondering how you reach these people. Do you have a shortwave radio station. If so, I Haven’t picked it up on my radio yet. Could you please tell me the frequencies and times of your radio broadcasts? Your brochure doesn’t give any details about such things.

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      Thanks for your question, John! We reach around 50 countries and the methods to reach them are different in each place. In hard-to-reach countries, we do often use shortwave or FM signals to reach our listeners, but we don’t do any of this work in the U.S., so I’m not sure you would be able to pick up on the frequencies from here. There are internet broadcasts in local languages that are produced as well. If you are interested in those, I could send you a couple links to their pages to check out.

  3. Praise God for the wonderful work you do to reach people with the good news of Jesus Christ .I am pastor Makka Atwal from Punjab India.i will be praying for you and your ministry.i will be available if there is calling to reach North Indian missionary work.bless you.
    Can be used ….

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