The Teaching that Doesn’t Lead to Death

FEBCFeatured Video, FEBC Blog 7 Comments

Mu-Ling was desperately seeking for truth. Like the rest of the Shan people—an ethnic group in northern Thailand and Myanmar—he was Buddhist and his home was filled with idols. Yet he knew there had to be more. In his own words, he was seeking “the teaching that doesn’t lead to death.”

These are people who may live their entire lives never meeting a single Christian … right now, there are 3.2 billion of them. How are they going to hear what Jesus has done for them? Who is going to reach them?

Your gift to FEBC can help change this. With friends like you, FEBC is reaching the unreached in places like China, Russia, North Korea, and many more. Together, we are sharing the Good News in the world’s hardest-to-reach places.

The situation is urgent because FEBC’s Global Unreached Fund, which makes this work possible, now faces a funding gap. Will you make your gift today to reach the unreached for Christ?




Comments 7

  1. I pray daily over your monthly prayer guide. Praise the Lord for the wonderful and marvelous results from FEBC! Keep it up! It’s all for His glory and the rewards you are doing for “the least of them”…. Dave

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  2. Thank you for letting us watch that video again. We appreciated so much the webcast with Ed Cannon earlier this month. It was a blessing and an encouragement to us that our donations to FEBC are truly helping to share the gospel. We always say that we feel like spreading the gospel through radio is “getting more bang for the buck!”
    We pray often for wisdom for everyone at FEBC and those in the field.

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  3. The Prayer Target has been a morning staple for me for many years. I have really missed it last month and this month due to problems with the mails so I would like to request it by email. I know that the radio broadcasts are so crucial for such a large part of our world. God’s Word won’t return to Him without accomplishing His purposes. We will continue to pray for the many people who are connected with FEBC in so many places and also for God’s children who are brought up for prayer in the Prayer Target.

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      So sorry to hear the prayer target didn’t get to you by mail! I will send this request to our team, so sorry for the delay in getting to it!

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