The Gospel is On the Air in North Korea!

FEBCFEBC Blog 4 Comments

The people of North Korea can now hear the Good News on the radio!

At the end of 2020, on the island of Daebu, South Korea, FEBC completed the construction of a powerful new AM station to reach the people of North Korea. This new station puts the Gospel within earshot of every person in North Korea, which remains one of the most repressive nations on earth. As more and more listeners discover God’s love by listening, lives will be changed and hope given to millions living in this isolated nation.

North Koreans Are Hungry for God’s Word

For years, many Christians have been praying fervently for the opportunity to share the Gospel with the people of North Korea. Despite their totalitarian leader, who is determined to control their lives, God’s Word is now reaching people like Ms. Lim:

“I used to listen to the radio at 2:00 am with a blanket over my head to prevent anyone from hearing. I heard the Gospel for the first time through FEBC. It was amazing! Now, my family are all Christians. I know real peace and joy for the first time in my life. When I was alone and my soul was hungry, you offered me spiritual nourishment!”

What It Means to be Free

Hope is critical for life. Although the people of North Korea are stripped of daily necessities and human dignity, what they need most is the hope and love of Christ. That’s exactly what they’ll hear when they tune into FEBC’s Gospel broadcasts.

A North Korean defector recently shared his spiritual journey with FEBC. He said:

“When I was nine, the government took both of my parents away…When I got older, I knew there was no such thing as freedom in my country, and I decided to flee. After arriving in South Korea, I felt unbearable sorrow for those I left behind. But then I met God. Believing in Him, I finally understood what it feels like to be a free man. I’m now willing to do whatever it takes to spread the Good News to my fellow North Koreans back home.”

As you read this, would you consider signing up to be a part of FEBC’s prayer team? Our once-a-week email will keep you updated with news and critical prayer needs for North Korea and around the world. In this way, God can use you to help reach the unreached and inspire listeners to follow Jesus Christ!


Comments 4

  1. It’s quite encouraging to hear this. It shows how the church is growing in North Korea despite persecution. My message to Korean Christians is that North Koreans are getting more and more disillusioned with there evil regime and want to know Jesus

    1. Post

      Thank you, Michael! The church in North Korea is an inspiration, as it continues to thrive under one of the most oppressive regimes in the world.

    1. Post

      Thank you for your ministry to North Korea as well, Daniel! It’s so great to be connecting with others doing ministry!

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