Urgent Call to Prayer from Ukrainian Pastor

FEBCFeatured Video, FEBC Blog 36 Comments

In this two-minute video from Ukraine, Rev. Sergey Nakul, a local pastor in Kyiv and Gospel radio broadcaster, urges Christians everywhere to pray. On the morning of the invasion, he awoke at 5:00 a.m. to the sounds of sirens, and bombs exploding in his city.

A coordinated global prayer effort for Ukraine is now underway. Churches everywhere are praying as the local body of Christ gathers. Please download this video to share with your pastors, church leaders, and small group.

This brief video is ideal for use in church services and Bible studies as a launchpad to pray for Ukraine.

Secure Download Options:
From Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/t/pi0dQoS4ELvDpoDb
From Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/681991443

Comments 36

  1. To all who live in the Ukraine , God bless you all. I will continually pray to all who are in Christ, the churches and even to those who have not accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior. TRUST THAT HE WILL PROTECT YOU.

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    3. Please find strength in
      Deuteronomy 31:8

      It is the LORD who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.”

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  2. Praying to our Lord and Savior for you.
    May the God of the heavens and earth protect you all with an army of His angels . May the plans of the enemy be confused and thwarted. May hearts in Ukraine and in Russia be softened to receive the message of the gospel and Jesus as Lord of their lives. Father, we ask that you protect the innocent and average for the righteous. In Jesus name amen

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  3. May the mighty God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ intervene to bring this evil plan of darkness to an abrupt
    Ending by thy merciful power and
    Grace in the precious name above
    All names Jesus Christ our soon
    Coming King of Kings and Lord of Lords AMEN

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  4. May God the Father, His Son, and the ever present Holy Spirit bring peace to Ukraine. May many turn to Jesus as Savior. May the forces of evil against God be defeated. May the Word of God be spread to all people everywhere. Amen.

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  5. We are praying! Our hearts break for you and the Ukrainian people. It is our prayer that God I’ll be glorified in His people, that you will be protected from harm, that you will endure well for His glory, that you will know that fellow believers in the US are lifting you up, going before almighty God on your behalf, weeping with you in your grief and fear. You are not alone-may you know and sense the presence of God in a very special way in your time of trouble. May God bless you richly.

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  6. We are praying! Our hearts break for you and the Ukrainian people. It is our prayer that God will be glorified in His people, that you will be protected from harm, that you will endure well for His glory, that you will know that fellow believers in the US are lifting you up, going before almighty God on your behalf, weeping with you in your grief and fear. You are not alone-may you know and sense the presence of God in a very special way in your time of trouble. May God bless you richly.

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  7. Praying for you all, our thoughts and prayers continue to be with you all.
    We have good God always cares and surround us with His mercy and Grace.
    Be strong and courageous.

    Love from New Zealand.

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  8. The very night of the morning of the assault, my sleep was so troubled that I was almost unable to get out of bed the next day. It was very, very strange. It was then that I learned this had begun, and so my prayers for Ukraine (and Russia) are coming to all of you… in Jesus’ name.

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  9. From all at Ballyhenry Presbyterian Church County Antrim Northern Ireland you are in our prayers constantly and we pray for peace and trust God will intervene and save your country and and everyone there, Christian or not. I have just been reading psalm 10 and it is so real highly recommended at this time . May Gods richest blessings be with you all.

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      Thank you so much for praying for the people of Ukraine, Brian. Wonderful to hear we have prayer warriors from Northern Ireland, and so many others across the globe.

  10. O Lord, have mercy and grace upon all the Ukrainian people who suffered in the war. May the Almighty helps those who lost their loved ones and their homes because of the Russian invasion. Give wisdoms to the world leaders, stop the killing, stop the war.
    – John Shen from a Christian church in Chicago, USA

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  11. Praying for you, dear brother Sergey. Your country, your family and your congregation as well. Godspeed!

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  12. I pray for you all, that God protects you and your families. Please give your life to Jesus if you haven’t already done so. I believe these are coming events that must come to past. The world will get worse before getting better. But it will get better, have faith in God’s plan.

    To those in Ukraine start painting this everywhere you can have it seen.

    Deuteronomy 31.8
    Evil will not prevail!

    Deuteronomy 31:8

    It is the LORD who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.”

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