Pray for Eduard (3-21-2022)

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Every few days for the next few weeks, we will be highlighting a new FEBC Ukraine staff member, detailing how you can support them through prayer.

Today’s focus is on Eduard Kurylenko, who is the director of FEBC Ukraine. Eduard was a volunteer with the ministry for several years before officially joining the team and eventually becoming the field director. His father, Viktor, was also a radio preacher with FEBC for many years.


  • Wisdom as Eduard leads the FEBC Ukraine team through this challenging time
  • Grace and strength for Eduard’s family (wife, Nadia, and their four children) and healing for his son’s broken hand
  • God’s guidance and provision as Eduard helps FEBC Ukraine’s team members relocate across the country
  • Unity and creativity for broadcasters and counselors as they work together in new ways, both technically and spiritually
  • Protection as Eduard travels to find new equipment to improve the quality of FEBC Ukraine’s broadcasts

Below are several photos of Eduard and his family. 1) Eduard successfully retrieved our hard drive with all our programs on it from our main office in Kyiv and made it back safely. 2) Eduard’s son broke his hand accidentally and was hospitalized briefly for treatment. 3) Eduard, his wife and four children. 4) Eduard prays during an FEBC event.


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