Inna’s Daily Prayer Meetings from Ukraine

FEBCFEBC Blog 11 Comments

Almost every day during the war, FEBC Ukraine broadcaster, Inna Tsaruk, has been holding prayer meetings virtually with FEBC listeners.

“People write in with prayer requests, with questions, and sometimes with anger. I read them and answer them as well as I can, and, of course, we pray,” Inna said.

“Many people continue writing to me after the broadcasts. They ask for prayer, and ask questions about faith. Some people write me with encouraging messages, telling me how much these meetings have helped them.”

One listener shared, “This has been an incredibly difficult time for me, but thanks to these powerful prayer meetings, I have found peace, and I am seeing God resolve my problems! And what is even more amazing—almost every prayer you pray during these meetings directly applies to my life, and I can’t help but see God’s grace and care in this!”

Another listener shared: “Praying with you has become a habit. Something feels wrong when I go to sleep without having prayed with you first. Now I’m praying for everyone in my life! For my husband, who had to stay behind in another city, for my kids, and for all of Ukraine!”

While some share encouraging stories, others share tougher realities, like this comment from a new believer: “I don’t know how to ask this. I’m a little ashamed, actually. I’ve been feeling so angry and offended for the last few days. Sometimes I feel like I am being pulled away from God, as if I’m moving away. I start to doubt. But then, it’s as if I snap out of it, and my faith is still there. And I can pray and talk with Him again. Do you have any advice for dealing with these kinds of sudden swings? What should I do?”

Some listeners share heartbreaking stories of loss from the war: “Please pray for the woman who has taken in my friend’s son. Both of his parents have died. This woman is taking care of him, but they are trapped in Mariupol and can’t find anyone to take them out. It’s hell there. They are left to wait and hope in God. I beg you to pray for them. God really listens to your prayers!”

At one point, Inna took a short break from holding the meetings. After just two days, on one of her social media accounts listeners started writing in, asking if she was okay, telling her they were looking forward to the next meeting. “Many people wrote to me, and several people sent in pictures to show their support,” Inna said.

When the sessions resumed, one night, something incredible happened. Inna shared:

“Night can be a scary time for many because of the bombings, and this night was especially frightening because of the [air raid bombing] sirens that were sounding in a lot of cities throughout Ukraine, including my city, Vinnytsia. People were talking about this in the comments. That night I read from Isaiah 41, and then we prayed for peace.

“At the end of the prayer, the sirens in my city stopped. I told this to my listeners, hoping to encourage them, but soon saw that many were writing that the sirens had stopped in their cities as well.

“At first, I didn’t think much of it, but then, as people from five, six, seven other cities wrote that the sirens stopped right at the end of the prayer. We were all greatly encouraged!

“Of course, this didn’t end the war. People were still in danger. In one city, the sirens only stopped for five minutes before starting again. But we were still encouraged by this moment. This was a wonderful reminder that even in the midst of fear and tragedy, God is still with us.”

Photos below: 1-2) Listeners share photos of themselves tuning in to Inna’s nightly prayer meetings; 3) Inna broadcasting through Instagram live to host her prayer meetings


Comments 11

  1. Lord God, We join our hearts and prayers together and ask you to hear your people. Hear your people crying out to you, Lord God. Hear the cries for peace and freedom from war and oppression. Hear their prayers. Hear them calling to you to save. We thank you, God, that you hear and that you deliver those who call on the name of Jesus. Jesus, you lived among those who were oppressed, who were cast down, who were afraid, who had no peace, and you came to change the world forever. You release captives. You free prisoners. You fill us with your perfect love that casts away fear. You say “peace be with you, my peace I give to you, not as the world gives”. Yours is the gospel of peace. I hear that peace in Inna’s voice. Lord, draw those who are praying and seeking and asking to you. Bring springs of living water up in the desert. May they drink of the fountain of your life and never thirst again. May they feel the beating of your heart today. Guard them, guide them, show them the way. Cover them, shield them. Prosper your work and defend your word. Bless Inna and all the FEBC team members. Feed and clothe them as your own children, God. Miracles are happening right now. I pray in Jesus’ name

    1. We are praying for people of Ukraine. Thank you for your prayers which are a great encouragement to us. We live in South Africa. We are not being bombed, but are facing huge crisis as a nation as well as in our own families as believers. Millions in SA are destitute.Sickness and jobless abounds moral collapse of our government is rife. Still Gods word gives us comfort. .We must pray and read our bibles every day. God has warned us we need to stay clise to Him. See Zephanaiah 2:33

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      It’s so good to hear you and your friends are praying for the people of Ukraine from South Africa. Very encouraging, Neil, thank you.

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    4. What a powerful prayer, Amy S. I am praying with you. God is powerful and knows all things. What is happening in Ukraine does not please Him, but nothing comes as a surprise to Him who knows the beginning from the end. He is using powerfully the acts of the evil one to ultimately bring many to faith and eternal life. Satan will not prevail. Oh, Lord God, give protection, courage, hope, and faith to many in these days. May God strengthen you, Inna, as you continue in this incredible ministry. You were born for such a time and for such a task. He will sustain you!!!

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  2. I have just recently had neck surgery, and have missed news of the war. I have a letter from FEBC showing some scenes from Ukraine. When I went to the website and read these prayers I my self have been encouraged and will keep praying for the people there

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  4. Inna, I love that you hold nightly prayer meetings! May God bless you, comfort you, and strengthen you during this tragic time. God hears your prayers, and He is working even when it doesn’t seem like it, or feel like it. God will bring you a victory and peace in the land. He is mighty and He is in the middle of it with you; He will save you; He rejoices over you; Rest in His love for you.
    Zephaniah 3:17 I pray for you everday. I love you, hugs, and prayers. Keep praying and encouraging one another in Christ!

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