Hope in a War Zone (Ep. 85)

FEBCPodcast 2 Comments

We can’t escape the images of destruction, and stories of death coming out of Ukraine. Local FEBC staff choose to stay and minister, despite the danger. In this week’s podcast, Ed and Wayne connect with our FEBC broadcasters who give their first-hand reports and Biblical insights from this war-torn region. Hear how the Word of God has come alive as our team members face the reality of death on a daily basis…Until All Have Heard.

You can find videos and stories from Ukraine on our Ukraine Crisis page. Updates are being posted in conjunction with news on the ground from our broadcasters and from Victor Akhterov, FEBC Director of Russia and Ukraine.

Comments 2

  1. It’s wonderful to hear news from Ukraine and God’s fellow co-worker in a war zone. I am personally,my family and church are praying for Ukraine, the salvation of many and God’s perfect will be done in Jesus Christ Name.

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