Pray for Irina (6-20-2022)

FEBCFEBC Blog, Ukraine Staff Prayer 4 Comments

We are highlighting FEBC Ukraine staff members and how you can support them through prayer. Here is the latest FEBC Ukraine Prayer Highlight:

Please pray for Irina Nesterenko, who is helping to expand FEBC Ukraine’s prayer helpline to include online counseling, allowing people to write in with prayer needs. Irina is an FEBC Ukraine broadcaster and trauma specialist who counsels soldiers and civilians who have been affected by war. She regularly joins Evgeny Goltsov on his program, “Wounded by the War,” and has held several seminars in eastern Ukraine for women affected by the war.

Please pray for:

  • The safety of her family, loved ones, and friends; many of them are fighting in the war
  • Wisdom on when to move back to Ukraine, and where (Early in the war, Irina’s apartment building was bombed while she was away from home – see photo below
  • God’s guidance on the many other big decisions in her life
  • The hiring of additional counselors; the needs are great
  • The training of counselors in evangelistic counseling; many people are turning to the Lord when they call in to the prayer helpline
  • The development of online counseling (Many Ukrainians have had to flee their homes and don’t have the opportunity to speak on the phone privately)

“Please pray for an end to the war,” said Irina. “And for God’s help as we counsel hurting people and share the hope of Christ with them.”

Photos seen below: 1) Irina’s apartment was hit by a Russian bomb while she was out of the house, 2) Irina (far right) poses with a group of listeners during a seminar in eastern Ukraine.


For more ways to pray for the people of Ukraine, watch this video of Inna praying for peace in Ukraine.


Comments 4

  1. Please know that you are not forgotten as we look at heartbreaking scenes on our computers/ Tvs.

    May each of you be guarded by the peace of God, strengthened by his love, encouraged by the Holy Spirit and filled with hope despite the awful circumstances around you.

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  2. You are all in my thoughts and prayers. I know the Lord hears our prayers and He is working things together for Your good, to give you victory over the war, and help to restore your Country. May God strengthen you in Christ to do all things, bless you with more counselors, and more people to accept Jesus. You are not forgotten! You are loved, and I pray for you everyday. Let the word of the Lord dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another through hynms, psalms, and songs from the Holy Spirit; Singing to the Lord with gratefulness in your heart. Colossians 3:16 What you need now is patient endurance so that you will continue to do the Lord’s will, and receive all that He has promised. Hebrews 10:36. He is mighty and He is in the middle of it with you; He will save you; He rejoices over you; Rest in His love for you. Zephaniah 3:17 I love you, prayers and hugs. Cynthia

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      Beautiful verses to remember, Cynthia. Thank you for your continued prayers, they are so appreciated.

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