Good Counsel in the Midst of War (Ep. 92)

FEBCPodcast 2 Comments

The casualties in the war in Ukraine are not just physical—there are millions of people with deep emotional and spiritual scars. The FEBC broadcast team addresses this need with a seasoned staff of trained counselors. Join Ed and Wayne as they hear a report from Eduard Kurylenko, our director in Ukraine, who oversees this vital counseling ministry. Learn how the Gospel is bringing healing as listeners get personal answers to their heartfelt questions in a war zone. You’ll gain a whole new appreciation for Jesus as the healer of our souls when you partner with us in prayer for this important work…Until All Have Heard.

Stay up-to-date with all FEBC staff updates from Ukraine by visiting our Ukraine Crisis page. Updates are being posted in conjunction with news on the ground from our broadcasters and from Victor Akhterov, FEBC Director of Russia and Ukraine.

Comments 2

  1. Will be praying for these brave counselors to increasingly possess supernatural wisdom and insight for each individual situation.

    Not only the right words but a clear check in their spirit about how much time to allot each individual. A quick response to the Spirit when it is time to quit talking and begin praying.

    Grace to follow the Spirit in new ways.

    That our Father will bring many resources to bear to support them when they themselves are overwhelmed and hurting. Safe emotional and physical outlets abound for them. Unexpected relief, views and laughter help lift the residue of grief and horror off them. The abiding presence of Christ crown them with peace amid suffering in Jesus name Amen.

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