Jagaa’s Story

FEBCFEBC Blog 7 Comments

Secluded on the barren steppes of Mongolia, Jagaa and his wife live a nomadic life, far from any city, and any church. Yet, one day, Jagaa met a local believer, which changed everything…

FEBC Mongolia currently broadcasts on 16 local FM stations throughout Mongolia, and is establishing 11 new radio stations as well. When completed, the entire country, and even other remote nomads like Jagaa, will have access to the Gospel.

See how you can deliver the Good News to more people like Jagaa, who may have no access to the life-changing power of the Gospel. 

Comments 7

  1. If possible please send me a link where gospel programming can be heard in the Vietnamese. language. Even though we live in the USA there is a woman who lives next door to me who could benefit from hearing gospel programming in Vietnamese. Thanks for the work you do. Remember the suffering of this present time is not worthy to be compared to the glory that will be revealed in us. stantoncass@icloud.com

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  2. Praise the Lord! I feel Mongolia has a huge part to play in advancing Christ’s Kingdom in the future and pray we can also get at least one more Radio Tower in far east Mongolia where we’re still missing coverage. (Please contact me on what we need to do in order to get a tower setup in this region as well)

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  3. Сайн уу! Христийг хайрлах хайраа харах үнэхээр гайхалтай
    Та #Pray4theWorld-той мөр зэрэгцэн эх орон болон дэлхийн төлөө залбирахаар бүртгүүлсэн үү?
    #Pray4theWorld бол Бурханы үгийг үндэстнүүдэд хүргэх дэлхийн залбирлын хөдөлгөөн юм. Одоогоор 136 улс бүртгүүлээд байна.
    #Pray4theWorld мөн бүртгүүлсэн хүн бүрт сар бүр залбирлын материалыг ҮНЭГҮЙ илгээдэг. Зүгээр л pray4theworld.com руу орж бүртгүүлэх маягтыг бөглөнө үү.
    Бурхан ивээг!

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