Listener Stories from Kyrgyzstan (July, 2022)

FEBCFEBC Blog 4 Comments

In the mountainous country of Kyrgyzstan, radio is reaching people with the Gospel where no other means can. On tops of strategic mountain peaks, six stations have been established so that virtually the entire country can now hear the Good News.

Since establishing many of the stations, letters, calls and emails have poured in from locals surprised to hear Gospel programs in their heart language of Kyrgyz. Here are several we recently received:

Baktygul (Woman, 28):

“I am a young mother and struggle with lack of confidence. In your broadcast for mothers you talked about the importance of passing on to our children godly confidence. With God’s help we are able to do good. We are destined to do good by our Creator. I was the youngest among 4 siblings in our parent’s house and thus was really spoiled. I often heard that I simply can’t do anything good. It has been like a curse over me. Thank you for the encouragement simply to do good things, in spite of the feeling of not being capable of doing it. I have tried it a few times now. It brings much joy to me.”

Ilimbek (Man, 32):

“I have the problem of talking before thinking. Like you say, it often puts me in difficult situations, especially with my dear wife. Your talk-shows are really interesting and help me to think, not to hurry with judgement. By overlooking small slights, the other side usually changes for better without any kind of argument. Thanks!”

Nazgul (Woman, 34):

“I am quite happy in our marriage, but lately, I sense that my husband seems to avoid me, and spends more time outside the house. Your recent broadcast kind of opened my eyes. You talked about creating positive atmosphere in the house. I know that I easily am offended. It can happen for some smallest matters. After listening to you I decided to create a more friendly atmosphere at home. I have started to simply smile and be positive, and it is really working. I have not seen my husband so happy for quite a while. Thanks!”

Zhanardin (Man, 43):

“There is not much love left between [my wife and I] in marriage. I think that we are simply staying together for the children’s sake. I can’t stand her relatives. Well, it seems to be similar the other way too. I have been listening to your broadcast for quite a while, and really believe that we could save our marriage, if we would put our trust in God. I suggested to my wife also to listen to you. She is not ready yet, but I hope she will be soon.”

Tazagul (Woman, 27):

“For two weeks now I have been thinking about killing myself. I simply cannot take any more abuse from my husband. It is mainly verbal. Nevertheless, I simply can’t go on like that and do not see any other escape. Could you please help me to connect with a counselor?”

FEBC broadcasters followed up with this listener by phone. Tazagul said the broadcaster was just what she needed in her time of distress. She later sent an appreciation note, saying FEBC Gospel broadcasts are helping many, like herself.

You can help deliver the Good News across Kyrgyzstan, to millions of people who may have no knowledge of the life-changing power of the Gospel. Your gift is needed now to raise the $120,000 it will take to continue FEBC’s outreach across the country. 

Comments 4

  1. Keep up the marvellous work, FEBC!
    Our little fellowship in Cairns, Australia, continues to support you in prayer & giving.
    We really appreciate the newsletters and other updates.
    I do hope each one of you is encouraged in the Lord Jesus each day.

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