Easter Greetings from Indonesia

FEBCFeatured Video, FEBC Blog 12 Comments

He is risen! May your heart be filled with gratitude and awe as you celebrate Christ’s resurrection today.

From all of us at FEBC, we wish you a Happy Easter!


Comments 12

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  1. I want you to know brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus that my heart compelled me to pray for you, for years ago, in my night daily prayers and I do with love,greetings and The FAVOR of GOD BE WITH YOU, Houston.Tx.

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  2. Selamat Hari Paskah to my fellow Indonesians. I lived in Bandung as a child. Still have relatives all over there. My Dad was a pastor there and started the Church in Guntur. So good to see that the Good News is still proclaimed and thriving there. My brother is also a pastor here in the Denver area and he’s planning to come later this month to work in Medan area. Praying for “”banyak orang bersaksi for Jesus!

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