New Station Launched in Ivano-Frankivsk (Western Ukraine)

FEBCFeatured Video, FEBC Blog 13 Comments

As the war in Ukraine continues, many Ukrainian refugees are fleeing to the western part of the country, away from the conflict.

That’s why FEBC Ukraine has established a new station in the city of Ivano-Frankivsk. Here’s Igor and Inna explaining this exciting new opportunity to reach 750,000 people with the Gospel.

Today, FEBC’s Ukrainian broadcasters are sharing the hope that can only be found in Jesus Christ, and thousands are responding. The work is exhausting, and funding to continue and expand is needed right now.

Comments 13

  1. I am very proud and humbled by the amazing work being done by FEBC in Ukrainian and all over the world where so many have never heard the word of Jesus
    I received my first Bible and study while locked up I learned at the time to
    Be grateful for the very small blessings God supplies
    I have supported FEBC
    Until recently when a bad accident took again much of my freedom but never my faith in Jesus Christ
    I will find a way to get back to supporting all you do
    But in the meantime prayer every day for the team in Ukrainian and want to be kept updated

    Many blessings
    A bad Gods continued strength

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      Thank you for these kind words, Wendy. We are honored to have your prayers, and hope for a speedy recovery from your accident.

    2. you guys are truly amazing . keep up the great work . Praying others follow Christ through this work . blessings Mary

  2. Thank you for this video and good reminder to keep praying for those in Ukraine to hear the gospel and come to know Jesus as Lord and Savior! Thank you for all the good work you are doing! Keep on until He comes!

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  3. thank you for what you do for Ukraine. You guys are on the front lines. May God be with you and empower you to reach the lost there. Keep up the good work and may many come to know Him through your efforts. Thank you.

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  4. May you know God,s strength and wisdom, comfort in this troubled place as he has promised . Isaiah41. 42.
    I pray for you daily asking His mercy Come Holy Spirit. Blessings Joyce nz

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      Beautifully said, Joyce. Thank you for lifting up our Ukraine team in this extremely difficult time.

  5. Thank you, Igor and Inna, for all your work. I pray for your safety and those of all the FEBC workers day after day. I love this promise and pray it for you from Psalms. “As the hills surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds those that love him.” Cheers and Blessings

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