Saladin’s Story: A Night That Changed Everything

FEBCFEBC Blog 21 Comments

Saladin had been a Muslim for 38 years. But late one night in Malawi, Africa, while kneeling down for his nightly prayers to Allah, Saladin saw a vision. 

“As I was on my knees, I saw Muslims, a large multitude of Muslims, who were weeping, and I saw my brother, my uncle and other relatives. They were filled with sorrow. I saw that they were crying, saying, “Saladin, please rescue us!” 

Saladin was confused. Since he was also a Muslim, he didn’t know what they needed rescuing from. But as he continued to pray, Christ appeared to him, and convinced him of the truth. He woke up and wrote down what he’d just seen. Shortly thereafter he left Islam and became a Christian.  

Before accepting Christ, Saladin held prominent positions in local Muslim leadership. He was the secretary of the Muslim council in eastern Malawi and worked as the vice president of the Muslim Teachers Union. As a professing Christian, he stepped down from these positions and immediately faced enormous challenges. 

“After I accepted Jesus Christ, I was rejected by my family and treated as an outcast. The Muslim Teachers Union told me I was going to be killed according to Sharia law. I told them that I wasn’t there to attack them, I was there to preach about the one true, living God.” 

“After being a Christian for a while, I reached out to others for more theological teachings so I could understand the Gospel better. I met Amos Siyabu, who is the director of FEBC Malawi. He supported me significantly, encouraging me to hold onto Jesus Christ, and gave me an audio Bible and a radio, so I could tune in to FEBC Malawi’s broadcasts. Because of this, when I meet with people…I use the radio and the audio Bible to share with them that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life.”  

Today Saladin is the leader of over 200 listener clubs. FEBC listener clubs in Malawi are an organized network of small groups of listeners who meet and tune in to FEBC broadcasts together. Listener clubs are one of the main ways Christians and those interested in Jesus, learn about the Gospel, have fellowship together, and grow in their faith. This is a critical part of the ministry in the overwhelmingly Muslim region of Malawi that Saladin comes from.  

Today Saladin also supports Amos with follow-up ministry trips to several remote listener communities in Malawi. He continues to boldly proclaim the Gospel wherever he goes, despite the persecution he faces.   

Comments 21

    1. Praise God for all he’s doing in the Muslim community, reaching them in a way that no one else can.

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  1. The “STAY UPDATED” {First Name/Email} part of this ad blocked part of the message and I could not read the entirety of the message} Therefore, I chose to NOT stay updated.

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      So sorry about that, Marlene. There should be an “x” in one of the corners of the “Stay Updated” form which you can click to close that box.

  2. Praying for you Saladin .This testimony is very encouraging and may the Lord continue to guide you and bless you dear ,brother . Much hugs to you .

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  3. I will be praying for you Saladin. that our Lord Jesus will surround you will favor as with a Shield! that whenever you open your mouth words will be given you. in the Mighty name of Jesus!

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  4. Sometimes one questions if the support we give to organizations such as FEBC is worth our time and money.
    Hearing stories such as Saladin’s confirms that it is. Our God is faithful, our God is powerful and we praise Him and give Him all the glory!

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  5. Saladin, Praise the Lord, you have seen the light and you now share it with others. As you continue to carry it others God will be with you. Thank you God for you grace and mercy, and I pray that you continue to do what your doing. God bless you.

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  6. How wonderful the Lord made himself known to you. May the Lord use you greatly and protect you as you serve him

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      Amen, we are so grateful the Lord showed himself to Saladin, and now uses him to spread the message of Jesus Christ.

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