New Stories from FEBC Ukraine’s Counseling Center

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Konstantin’s Story

Konstantin hadn’t slept for days after hearing the news. He picked up his phone and saw the numbers of all the people he’d tried to reach. No one had picked up. The distant sounds of war reached his ears as he dialed one last number…FEBC Ukraine’s helpline. 

The line answered. Konstantin began to speak. “A few days ago, I found out that my brother, my girlfriend, and my father died—all three of them.”   

Konstantin was away from home when he got the news. He had been trying to reach his other family members, but because of the difficulties of the war, he was only able to speak to them once every three days. Had he been there, he would have died as well.  

“I haven’t slept since I heard,” Konstantin said to FEBC’s counselor. I even tried cutting my wrists. I’m all alone.”  

FEBC-Ukraine’s counselor listened to his heartbreaking story and showed the love of God to Konstantin while sharing the Gospel. After talking for a long time, Konstantin said, “It’s like I can feel the ground under my feet again. 

They prayed with him, taught him how to pray on his own, and shared that he could pray to God at any time. 

Using my own words?!” he asked. Konstantin was excited to learn this. “I am going to try praying to God myself! … Thank you! You’re the only ones who answered my call. Thank you so much for helping me!” 

Hundreds of calls like this pour in to FEBC Ukraine’s Counseling center every day. Listeners like Konstantin are desperate for a path forward—for some way to make sense of the tragedies that surround them.  

A similar disaster happened to Dara, whose home suffered a direct hit from a Russian missile.  

Dara – A Home Destroyed by War

“Four months ago, a missile hit my building,” a listener named Dara said when she called FEBC Ukraine.  

“My apartment was damaged. My husband and children were there with me, and everyone survived. We just covered the damaged doors and windows with plastic film.” 

But Dara had not been able to overcome her extreme emotions of fear after the attack. She had been under psychological observation for a month.  

When the prayer counselors talked to Dara, they shared the Good News and offered to pray with her. She burst into tears. She had never heard about the grace of God before.  

The counselors prayed together with Dara, and then they had a long conversation with her. They told her about the Bible, teaching her why it is important to read it, and how God speaks to us through His Word. They also shared why it is important to find a Christ-centered church.  “Thank you so much!” she said. “I already feel better.”  

While many listeners call in to receive counseling and prayer for trauma experienced from the war, for some like Bogdan, a failing relationship is the catalyst.   

Bogdan – Soldier on the Frontlines 

A young soldier named Bogdan prayed for the first time after calling FEBC’s helpline. He was in training, hundreds of miles away from home, and he was having relationship problems.  

“I feel like we are drifting apart,” he said. “My girlfriend is crying a lot, and I don’t know what to do.” 

Bogdan shared his fears with our Christian counselors on the phone, who helped him work through them and gave him some biblical relationship advice.  

When the counselors suggested they pray together, Bogdan agreed. Before this, he had never prayed or even opened a Bible. Bogdan was so moved after the counselor prayed, that he wanted to pray as well.  

Then he placed his faith in Jesus as his Lord and Savior.  

“This was amazing! I feel so much peace now. Thank you for listening to me and helping me make this decision!”

Please pray for the listeners who call in to FEBC Ukraine’s helpline. There are thousands of others who call every month with stories like Konstantin’s, Dara’s, and Bogdan’s. Please also lift up our staff who answer these calls, that they would have the energy, stamina, and spiritual strength to deal with each unique crisis and situation.  

Comments 16

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  1. I pray that Spirit Lord be with febc Ukraine helpline and comfort those needs in Jesus Christ name

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  2. FEBC is a Christ centered ministry that has as its priority to share Jesus Christ with all who will listen. They do a great job around the world through radio broadcasts and personal conversations. WE support this great work and pray for those involved in all areas of this work.

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  3. Thank you for this report. Praying for these 3 individuals and for the dear saints/servants of God taking these phone calls!

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  4. I pray that the FEBC staff will be trees planted by rivers of living water, that their roots will hold, that they’ll bear fruit. “As the hills surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds those that love Him.” it says in Psalms. This is my constant prayer for the stall and all my brothers and sisters in Ukraine.

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  5. I often pray for the Lord to give strength, courage, and help and provision to all God’s workers, and also for those they minister to.

    FEBC has been precious to me for several decades.

    Love, and God bless you all richly.

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  6. What a worthwhile ministry to give your lives to!!! I’m so glad I can be a part of this that you are doing for Jesus! Some day, maybe you could write a little booklet we could download about how to counsel people in this way to comfort them and also bring them to Jesus?

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