Escaping North Korea

FEBCFEBC Blog 19 Comments

You’ve seen the headlines and heard the name of the North Korea regime many times before. But what doesn’t often make the news, is how people can only hear the Gospel by listening secretly. 

Gospel broadcasts from FEBC are trickling into regions of North Korea. Just a few years ago, FEBC South Korea launched a new station with the specific goal to reach all of North Korea with the Gospel. Despite the efforts of the leader of North Korea, Kim-Jung Un, the entire country has been within reach of the Gospel for several years now.  

Recently, two North Koreans who escaped the country sat down with FEBC South Korea staff to share how the Gospel reached them, and is still reaching their fellow countrymen today. 

Gyeong-bae Ju:   

“The god of North Korea is the Kim family. Kim Jung-Un holds access to everything, blocks information, and rules as a god. People living there don’t know about the one, true God.  

“God says ‘the truth will set you free.’ But in North Korea, I often wonder how much longer will people in North Korea die for their faith in God, or live without ever knowing Him?  

“We have to send a lot of outside information into the country. I heard FEBC North Korea before I left, and now I live in South Korea in peace. Please be assured that many people learn about God through the FEBC broadcasts. They wake up hearing our prayers. I am confident there will be a revival in North Korea.”  

Moses Yeon:   

“North Korea is a place where God’s tears are. [My fellow North Koreans] live and die there and go to hell. They are victims of evil regimes and systems. The only thing that will save those who are trapped in darkness is the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  

“It is almost impossible to share the Gospel with them in person…so radio is the best option. We need your help and your prayers for the message of salvation to reach North Koreans through the ministry of FEBC.  

“Please pray that the day will come soon, when the North Koreans can be saved, through the messages of hope and salvation, and live in truth. Pray also that the evil regime of North Korea will collapse, and the Kingdom of God will be established, and that North Korea will be unified with the Gospel.” 

Please continue to pray for the secret listeners in North Korea. We know thousands more are listening in. 

Comments 19

  1. I will be making a donation and I have a heart for Chinese and North Korea.i pray for the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob to bring peace and freely sharing of my Jesus

  2. Praise the Lord! May more people in N Korea hear the good news through the radio. May God’s special revelation be known to all people in darkness.

  3. Oh I needed this refresher about North Korea to stir up my fervency in prayer for the people, and to give an offering, and also to share with others this update!

  4. I pray every day for the North Korean people that they might hear the message of God’s love for them and redemption through Jesus. And of course I pray for current believers that their faith will be strong and they will be safe and provided for. It is good to hear the witness of these two who escaped North Korea.

  5. I feel so bad for the people of North Korea. I pray that Jehovah God will bring down the Kim dynasty, in His way and timing, and that the people will embrace the truth that FEBC transmits into this country.

    1. My Husband and I try to pray for N Korea everyday. We joined millions of Christians in S Korea who pray that wall will come down and Korea can be unified. And Christ proclaimed freely! Thank you FEBC for broadcasting Good News since we were missionaries in Philippines in 1953. Dad led “Servicemens Challenge is on the air” at FEBC on Sundays. Good memories. He knew Bob Bowman. 🙏🙏🙏

  6. I praise God for FEBC’s and other radio ministries that reach into N.Korea. His Word will not return void. My heart is broken time and time again as I pray for our sisters and brothers and seekers who are in horrendous conditions in this nation. May God’s Kingdom come in Korea as it is in heaven. I continue to support your wonderful worldwide ministry.

  7. Wow I didn’t even know It was possible to Escape N.Korea! Praise God that there is a Glimmer of Hope & Faith for Salvation for the people there
    I will fervently Pray for Light Love & Life in Jesus name. I will also donate to the ministry as well.

  8. I pray for the whole counsel of God to be proclaimed through the FEBC programs,
    that the Holy Spirit would convict them of their sinful condition and turn them from darkness to light, that they would have access to the Word of God and also that their physical needs would be met and be protected from persecution.
    I pray for Kim Jung un, that the the Lord would reveal His salvation and remove his heart of stone and give him a heart of flesh, in the name of Yeshua Messiah

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