How to Pray for Ukraine (November, 2023)

FEBCFEBC Blog 19 Comments

FEBC broadcasters and staff are spread out across Ukraine. Some have returned to larger cities, but all are enduring much for the sake of the Gospel.  Many of our male broadcasters have been called to serve in the military, and several are stationed around the country on the frontlines as chaplains. They are separated from their families and only have sporadic contact with them.   

Despite these struggles, our Ukrainian team continues to broadcast words of encouragement and hope from God’s Word. Our broadcasters and staff are connecting with people, praying with listeners, and showing the love of Jesus Christ daily.  

Here are some recent requests from our Ukrainian team. Please join us in praying for: 


Many soldiers are having serious struggles, like Danylo, who called FEBC because he was feeling suicidal. He followed Buddhism but agreed to be prayed for. After the prayer, he said, “Amen,” and broke down crying. Please pray for many more soldiers to turn to Christ. The death toll from the war is alarmingly high. 

New Listeners

Many new listeners in Ukraine, like Ivan, are facing an immense amount of stress. “My city suffered a lot during the war, it barely still exists,” he said. “My wife just told me she wants a divorce; my mother died while she was abroad… and now I take care of my father, who is ill.” Ivan had never read the Bible before. “I don’t even know if God exists,” he said. When FEBC’s Christian counselor prayed with him, Ivan burst into tears. “Thank you so much!” Please pray for listeners like Ivan, who are turning to the Lord as they face extreme trials in their lives. 

 More and more people are responding from the Ivano-Frankivsk area, where our newest station was opened just a few months ago. There are thousands of in-country refugees there who receive hope through FEBC broadcasts as well as one-on-one counseling.  

God’s Protection

Places like Zaporizhzhia, one of Ukraine’s largest cities, was hit by more missile attacks in recent months. God provided for FEBC Ukraine to open a radio station there during wartime, and it has become one of the most responsive regions. The people there are under constant fear due to the nearby nuclear powerplant which is under Russian control. 

In another part of the country, a few of our broadcasters’ buildings were recently bombed. Everyone is safe for now, but they are still reeling with shocked emotions. Others in the same area lost close friends. There was another bombing in Kramatorsk where friends of our team suffered. 

FEBC Staff  

Our Ukranian staff are directly serving those afflicted by the ongoing war and the flood disaster from several months ago near Kherson. Others are distributing radios so that people can listen to the broadcasts. Our counselors are answering many calls coming from disaster areas.  

Please continue to pray for our Ukrainian broadcasters who are sharing the hope that can only be found in Jesus Christ, and thousands are responding. The work is exhausting, and funding to continue and expand is needed right now.

Comments 19

  1. God bless every effort in this vital ministry. I am committed to pray for the FEBC staff and the needs of the work in Ukraine and around the world.

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  2. Just prayed for each request that came in today and will continue to pray for the people of Ukraine and the ministry of FEBC. Praying for strength, courage, wisdom, and God’s provision for your staff. Thank you for all that you do!

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      Thank you for praying for each and every one of these requests, Carmen. Our team in Ukraine is so appreciative of all the prayer coming from the U.S. and around the world.

  3. Thank you for making us aware of these current needs, and successes–good to hear of the successes, people turning to the LORD. I get the monthly paper prayer guide, and am thankful for it as a reminder of what is happening in that region of the world and the blessing that FEBC radio and ministers are to those who live there. May God be with you and may He be glorified bringing many sons and daughters to glory.

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      Glad to hear these resources are helping you pray for these global needs, John. Thank you for being a prayer warrior!

  4. Your requests should draw us closer to God & to each other, as we realise your needs are immense.
    Please be encouraged in all you do. Our church prays for you, and donates to FEBC.
    I have noted your particular prayer needs.

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  5. What a valuable loving work, In CHRIST, FEBC is accomplishing! Thank you for posting these very significant Prayer requests, for the precious soldiers & other people, of Ukraine! I Pray many listeners hearts, will be opened to give financially, to the increasing needs of FEBC!

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  6. I had the joy of joining with you for the live broadcast from your Ukraine studios a while back. Thank you for this further update. The world may be forgetting about Ukraine but may we as believers keep praying for your work there. Thank you to all the staff who are serving with you at this time. I pray that many more will listen and turn to Christ.

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      Thank you for this, Kevin. It is encouraging to us and the Ukraine team to know supporters are still praying and lifting up the team during the war.

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  7. Greetings from Sydney Australia. I’ve just discovered the wonderful work you guys are doing in Ukraine. I’m going to tell my church about it, and ask them all to pray. I’ll see if we can raise some money to buy some radios. May God bless you all.

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  8. Keep up the great work you are doing. Greetings from Sydney, Australia. Windsor District Baptist Church has just raised over $3,000 for you to buy more radios to distribute. We did a presentation in our morning church service and people queued up to donate! Praise God.

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      That is incredible news, Mark! Thank you so much for your efforts to bring the Gospel to more and more people!

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