A Life Saved in Kyrgyzstan

FEBCFEBC Blog 8 Comments

In Kyrgyzstan, a young woman named Ainura recently called FEBC’s radio station deeply concerned about her daughter. Ainura said her daughter Rayana was extremely depressed, battling suicidal thoughts. FEBC’s broadcasters shared advice over the air, but then went a step further.  

Soon after the call, the FEBC broadcasters met with Ainura and her daughter Rayana in-person to pray, give further counseling, and one other thing.  

One of our broadcasters named Sophia introduced Rayana to her own daughter, who was close to her age. The two young girls quickly became friends and began talking almost every day.  

Because of the counseling and prayers, coupled with a surprising new friendship, Rayana and her mother found outlets to talk about what they were going through. They felt heard and understood, and at the same time, learned more about the love and care that Jesus has for each of them. Now, Rayana no longer has suicidal thoughts.  

In Kyrgyzstan, one teenager commits suicide every four days. Many children have alcoholic parents, and face verbal and physical abuse every day. Because of this, FEBC Kyrgyzstan broadcasts focus heavily on repairing broken homes and families, while providing safe outlets for parents and children to find Christian community.  

Praise the Lord that Rayana found true hope. Please continue to pray for the millions of other teenagers and families going through similar struggles in Kyrgyzstan.  

You can help deliver the Good News to millions of people who may have no knowledge of the life-changing power of the Gospel.  


Comments 8

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  1. We thank the Lord for FEBC and all their broadcasters and workers who give all they can to help others and share their faith in Jesus Christ our Savior!!!

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  2. Our Lord Is worthy of all Praise! He places people at the exact place to touch someone. Thank you FEBC for your ministry and work.

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  3. praying in the mighty name of Jesus for the people of Kyrgyzstan especially the young people of the nation: may the gospel be received clearly into every home or car or business and Christ be received into hearts. Abba Father, grant the FEBC broadcasters apples of gold in settings of silver (words aptly spoken) that those who hear the broadcast (especially the young people) have a hungry thirst for the Word of God and to listen often to the broadcast. May there also be a blessing commanded from you Holy Father upon the body of Christ in Kyrgyzstan of strong unity in peace in the Holy Spirit. Be glorified in this nation of Yours Lord Jesus! Pouring out Your Spirit. Amen.

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