A Shared Vision – with Mark Jobe (Ep. 176)

FEBCPodcast 4 Comments

President of Moody Bible Institute, Dr. Mark Jobe joins Ed and Wayne on our weekly podcast to talk about a shared vision for sharing the Gospel around the world.

Here’s Mark: “Don’t miss the moment…God moves when the ground is broken, and I think the ground is being broken right now…”


Comments 4

  1. Thank you for this encouraging podcast. I do receive and pray through your prayer requests. They are very helpful.

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  2. Thankyou for your love for Christ and His mission and command to reach the world with the Gospel. I have been called as an intercessor since I came to Christ 54 years ago, and now pray with the FEBC prayer guide daily, and for all who share the Good News around the world. My heart is longing to be used more and more to share the Gospel with those right here on my street. I sense God calling me to start a women’s Bible Study with my neighbours – but I admit as I get older that I feel a bit overwhelmed by the challenge. I would so appreciate prayer for courage, strength and boldness but above all the love of Christ to fill me more – because it is His love that constrains us to share this message. My hearts cry is that I would fulfill all that the Lord has called me to do and finish stronger than I began 54 years ago when I came to Christ. Thankyou for inspiring me through your testimonies and hearts for evangelism. God bless you.

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      That’s amazing to hear, Donna. Very encouraging to hear you are using our prayer guide and that it is helping you in what you feel is God’s calling on your life.

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