Reaching the Next Generation in Kazakhstan

FEBCFEBC Blog 18 Comments

After decades of Soviet rule, where people living in Kazakhstan were told God did not exist and churches were shut down and destroyed—a new generation of young Kazakhs are searching for truth and discovering the Gospel.  

Anar, a 21-year-old woman from Kazakhstan, wrote in to share, “Through my friend in Almaty (the largest city in Kazakhstan), I learned about your broadcast. It was very interesting. I am about to graduate from college here, and along with my friend, we have been looking at applying to jobs. In the broadcast I heard you talk about the importance of choosing wisely. 

“I agreed because I feel a need for a personal calling, which in a way comes from God. You also talk about courage to dream, and to have faith in going after your vision. Your broadcast is encouraging me to be good and to seek God’s will for my life. Thank you.”  

Hearing messages like these from Anar are so encouraging to our broadcasters and staff in Kazakhstan, who have invested specifically in reaching younger generations in Kazakhstan. For their parents, grandparents, and great grandparents, even listening to Gospel broadcasts was impossible. Plus, this activity was extremely dangerous, as listeners could be imprisoned or even killed.   

Another listener named Argen, who is also 21, messaged our team to say, “I am a student at the university here in Almaty. My parents got divorced when I was very little. I have a brother and a sister who are older than me. Our mother did her best in raising us while our father was totally out of picture. We didn’t always have money for things like gifts for birthdays and holidays like the other kids at our school. I am not trying to complain about it, since we learned a lot through those challenging times. 

“Now that I am independent and taking care of myself, in some ways my childhood seemed to have left me better equipped than my friends who did not go through what I did.  

“In your broadcasts you talk about giving to others in need, and I connect with this a lot. I feel blessed by God and now I love to give birthday gifts to disadvantaged kids. Somehow, I feel God’s presence when I do things like that. Please keep on sharing messages like this in your broadcasts.”  

Receiving messages from young listeners like Anar and Argen is a critical goal for our broadcasting team. It is a huge step towards building relationships and laying the groundwork for these listeners to learn more about Jesus.

Kazakhstan is a country of first-generation believers, meaning that for many, they are the first people in their families to accept Jesus Christ as their savior. Young people there have few churches they can attend to learn more about the Gospel, which makes Christian broadcasting so important. 

Comments 18

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  1. This does my heart good! It’s encouraging to see young people who are sensing the tugging and moving of God Almighty on their hearts and lives. Thank you for sharing this and keep investing in lives of all, especially young people in Kazakhstan, etc.

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      Amen, Eloise. We are so grateful for the young generation in Kazakhstan rising up to spread God’s Word around the country.

  2. We have been a donor to FEBC for 10 years now, I still remain a proud partner and wonder in the work of their hands! GOD is present in this ministry, Until ALL have Heard!!!!

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  3. This is proof of the living word of God which does not come back void and that Holy Spirit is the one who reaches people. Someone speculated recently that if you destroyed all religious and scientific books, the science would be rediscovered because it is fact. I believe scientific discovery originally stemmed from wonder at God’s creation, and that it would be Holy Spirit stirring people to seek the Lord which would come first. God wants no one to perish, and He reaches beyond the efforts of wicked humans to silence Him.

    1. The marvels of Creation are the Holy Spirit’s way of showing us how much God loves us. Things couldn’t happen by themselves. Consider how the earth was placed the right distance from the sun-just a little closer, we’d burn up- a little farther away-we’d burn up. Consider how valves in a giraffe’s neck help regulate blood pressure, ashock-absorber in a wood peckor’s head so it wouldn’t blow its brains out or how so many flowers are created so specify that one species of bird or insect can pollinate it. So many things make Evolution seem hard to believe, after all it’s just lies!

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  4. I thank God for His work and pray for the staff who are planting God’s word, watering, and eventually reaping the harvest. “Do not grow weary in well-doing for in due season you shall reap…” Cheers

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  5. I was introduced to your ministry a couple of years ago and have been receiving the weekly prayer target lists and newsletters. I feel God has especially put FEBC on my heart to intercede for and support and love to hear this kind of news as answers to the prayers of His people. God bless you all in your faithful ministry!

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      FEBC does, yes. There are 6 stations in Kyrgyzstan, effectively reaching most of the country with FM and Internet signal to tune in to the Gospel broadcasts.

  6. Really appreciate you guys and your efforts for the kingdom of God. Love young people being touched by your program. May the gospel continue to spread as you broadcast and more. Thanks and keep up the great work 🙏🏻💞🙋🏻‍♀️❤️‍🔥

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  7. These are very encouraging stories in that they encourage me to keep praying for my own grandchildren ( teens and young adults) that they too will choose a relationship with Jesus.

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