Update from Igor in Ukraine

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Since the war in Ukraine began, FEBC has shared many updates from our Ukrainian broadcasting team. Now, over 2 years since the start of the war, FEBC broadcasters are giving updates on what they have experienced, where they are now, and how God is using them to minister to others. Here’s a first-hand update from Igor S., Interim Program Director of FEBC Ukraine...   

God Working in the Midst of War

“The thing I remember most about the start of the war was that no one seemed to know what to do. Do we run? Stay? Will the Russian soldiers reach Kyiv?

“Those were some incredibly hard months, and I had to send my family away to keep them safe.

“But despite this, many beautiful things happened. I remember preaching to people everywhere I could: on our radio programs, on the streets of Kyiv; near the train station. And people were responding—they were putting their faith in Jesus.

“I was amazed at how open people’s hearts were. We broadcasters all had such a boldness to preach. I remember holding live online meetings for young men and women and seeing dozens of them coming to Christ at a time.

“One time we preached to people on a bus that was about to evacuate the city. At least half of them raised their hands and prayed with us to accept Christ!

“While our experience of the war has been frightening, and sometimes overwhelming, God continues to give us the courage and the strength to go on.”

A New Role

“Then, one day, Max, our program director, got called into the military office. He had been drafted and was going to be a chaplain in the Ukrainian military. This was a huge shock.

“Another shock was when I was asked to take over his position, while he served on the frontlines of the conflict. It is an incredible privilege, and I feel the weight of responsibility on my shoulders. I know that I am not alone in this, there are many experienced and wise leaders around me guiding me. And our team is dedicated to the mission of telling everyone we can the Good News of Jesus Christ.

“One of the most challenging and inspiring parts of the job has been working with our follow-up team of prayer counselors. They are in desperate need of your prayers. It’s difficult to hear about some of the most painful and desperate situations in the country on a daily basis.”

Going Forward

“So much has happened since the start of the war. Cities were destroyed, people have died, many marriages have ended. The war has dragged on longer than anyone could have expected. But the work of the ministry has only deepened.

“As we have each experienced our own struggles and suffering, our own relationships with Christ, our compassion for the suffering of others, and our desire to see them come to know Christ has only increased.

“Times are very difficult right now. Everyone has experienced loss. And the constant bombardment has left everyone exhausted. Personally, I know that I could be drafted at any time. There is a real temptation to give in to fear.

“We also worry about our children whenever we hear the air raids, especially when they are at school.

“But God has shown Himself to be faithful. Please pray for God to bring the right people to serve as counselors and broadcasters, and for spiritual and emotional strength for them. Please continue to keep us in your prayers.”

Please continue to pray for our Ukrainian broadcasters who are sharing the hope that can only be found in Jesus Christ, and thousands are responding. The work is exhausting, and funding to continue and expand is needed right now.

Comments 15

  1. I’m consistently praying for you and your teammates, Igor. Blessings and strength to each of you. Thank you for your work.

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  2. May each one of us who are Christians pray for you who are in the midst of a battle on every front.
    You are not forgotten. May our Lord Jesus fill you with His own peace, hope, love and wisdom, and keep you safe in every way.

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      Thank you so much for praying every day for our team, it is so appreciated by our Ukrainian staff!

  3. I praise God for the stength and courage He is giving you, Igor and the rest of your team! It is a privilege to pray for you and the outreach of FEBC! Love and His Perfect Peace!

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  4. How wonderful that the promise in Matthew 28:19.20, has and is being fulfilled in Ukraine today. The Gospel is being preached continuously and many are becoming Christians. But the Lord’s final words to His disciples before He left them to return to heaven were, Lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the world. In the horror of the war in Ukraine and the resulting break down of the daily life bringing hardship, uncetainty and fear, He has promised, ‘I am with you always, even to the end of the age.’ And He is!

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