A Secret People

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Ko* was in trouble. The military had just found his local village to give him a clear warning. He was told to stop following Christ. If he didn’t, they said they would return the next day and kill him…

Making a brave decision, Ko said no…

Ko is a part of a people group that we cannot even name publicly. Security concerns for Ko, his family, and all the FEBC team that work with this people group, are extremely high. They all risk persecution, imprisonment, and even death if the government of the country* finds them.

This story and the details of this secret people group was relayed to us via a worker in Southeast Asia…

Ko’s Decision

…Ko lived in a small village in a country in Southeast Asia. One day he turned on his radio and heard that a man named Jesus could change lives. The broadcast shared that Jesus could save people, and Ko felt he needed saving. He had tried everything to quit his drug addiction but failed every time. Over the next five days he prayed. For once in his life, he was able to stop using drugs. “This is the true God,” he thought.

So Ko continued to listen to the radio. Soon he opened his heart to the Gospel and began telling his neighbors in the village about Jesus and what he had done for him. Several families also accepted Jesus as their Savior, but most of the village was furious. Once the Buddhist monks heard of Ko’s proselytizing, they reported him to the military.

When the military came and threatened him, Ko knew it was no idle threat. In another local village, when people had converted to Christianity, the military had come and killed all their livestock, and destroyed their homes and rice fields.

As Ko considered the military’s ultimatum, he saw a flying squirrel. He saw it climb a tree and then drop and fly away. He knew then what he and the other Christians in his village had to do. The next morning, they fled before the military came, packing all they could, but leaving behind all their wealth as farmers—all their water buffalo, their rice fields and many other valuables they could not carry. These were the things that made them materially rich in their community…but they left it all to follow Christ.

Harsh Realities for Minority Ethnic Groups in Southeast Asia

Ko’s people are a secret minority ethnic group in Southeast Asia. Like many other ethnic people groups in this region, Ko’s people have less rights than others. Local authorities are suspicious of their allegiances, and often use any excuse to try and control them or imprison them if they act in any way that is disagreeable.

Ko’s story is emblematic of FEBC ministry to minority people groups in Southeast Asia. This secret people group have been hearing the Gospel on the air for decades now, but when asked about Christianity, they say the teachings are great, but they don’t want to convert. They are open to the Gospel, but afraid of the repercussions.

But for those who do convert, and leave, they find a hope that they never knew before…

The Hope for Ko’s People

Ko and the other Christian families left their homes and traveled for two days by car. They knew that if they were caught fleeing by the military, they would be forced to turn back…or worse.

By the grace of God, they made it safely to a refugee camp of around 300, all from their same people group. FEBC staff and partners minister to them there, by bringing radios, bibles, teaching the Word, praying together, and helping in any way they can.

The FEBC Gospel broadcasts Ko and the other refugees heard over the radio, are the only Gospel messages that can be heard in their dialect—their heart language.

The days ahead for Ko and his people are uncertain. The refugees in the camp wonder where they will go next, and what plans God has for their lives, but they say they are happy. Despite their circumstances, for the first time in their lives they have true hope and comfort. Each person is so grateful for the love of Jesus and the Salvation they have found.

Please join us as we pray for this secret people group, including Ko and his family. Please also lift up our FEBC staff who serve there, and in dangerous places all over the world, as they often face persecution from the local authorities for spreading the Gospel.


*names and locations withheld for security reasons

Comments 9

  1. Thank-you for sharing this awesome testimony. Praise God for FEBC and your teaching and proclaimation of the Good News in some of the most unreached areas of the world. We love FEBC and your important work for the Kingdom!!

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  2. Thank you this is an encouragement to me because even though I am an American, I have had to give up a lot lately To continue my pursuit of Christ. My children do not accept Christianity and my daughter has become a completely different faith. I hear that many Christian moms in our country are a estranged from their children, so I am not alone. The new generation just does not have the same worldview as us. Also childhood trauma is on the rise, and I am no exception. This creates battles for me-internal battles from Satan to get me to quit my faith and to be discouraged. It Is not an overt, but a covert battle. But it is just as real.

    The flying squirrel example was great!

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      So sorry to hear this, Wendy. Thanks for sharing how the story spoke to you. Hoping and praying for you and your daughter, and that things will be reconciled.

  3. I do very much appreciate the work FEBC does, and am always touched by these stories. They make me a bit ashamed about the things i complain and struggle with when I see the plight of others. Makes me pray, for them and for myself. I am glad to hear that by God’s grace these people were able to flee successfully and i pray for the Father’s protection for the 300 in the camp and there continued provision and faith to hold fast, because of Christ. john.

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  4. I too came to know the Lord through Moody radio in Chicago and when I heard the need to help build radio stations in remote places in the world I knew this was an opportunity for me to help others as I was helped. Hearing Gods word has changed my life as I know it is changing others lives as well.
    Thank you for all that you do at FEBC.

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  5. FEBC has been precious to us for decades, and this report is very touching. Thanks much for sharing such as this with us. It means a lot to us.

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