Drafted to the Frontlines

FEBCFeatured Video, FEBC Blog 12 Comments

Since Russia began its war in Ukraine, several FEBC Ukraine broadcasters have been called up by the Ukrainian military…one of them is Max.

Please continue to pray for our Ukrainian broadcasters who are sharing the hope that can only be found in Jesus Christ, and thousands are responding. The work is exhausting, and funding to continue and expand is needed right now.

Comments 12

  1. Love and prayers for all of you who are in the middle of this conflict. May God protect and strengthen you and give you grace for every situation you deal with. May He bring you home safely and soon. We ask for peace to triumph over evil in Ukraine.

    1. May the GOD OF HOPE fill you with ALL JOY AND PEACE as you TRUST IN HIM so that you may OVERFLOW WITH HOPE by the POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT !!! (Romans 15:13)
      And i keep on praying and adking that GOD would FILL YOU with the KNOWLEDGE of HIS WILL through ALL SPIRITUAL WISDOM AND UNDERSTANDING so that you may PLEASE HIM and live a life that is WORTHY OF HIS NAME !!! That you may BEAR FRUIT IN VERY GOOD WORK—in WORD AND IN DEED !!! May HIS PEACE RULE IN YOUR HEARTS yo which YOU WERE CALLED INTO ONE BODY AND BE THANKFUL !!! May THE MIND AND WORD OF CHRIST DWELL IN YOU RICHLY THROUGH ALL WISDOM, teaching and admonishing one another SPEAKING IN PSALMS HYMNS AND SPIRITUAL SONGS, SINGING WITH gratitude and grace in your hearts TO HIM !!! And whatever you do, do it all in the NAME OF THE LORD JESUS giving THANKS TO OUR FATHER THROUGH HIM !!!

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    3. May the GOD OF HOPE fill you with ALL JOY AND PEACE as you TRUST IN HIM so that you may OVERFLOW WITH HOPE by the POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT !!! (Romans 15:13)
      And i keep on praying and asking that GOD would FILL YOU with the KNOWLEDGE of HIS WILL through ALL SPIRITUAL WISDOM AND UNDERSTANDING so that you may PLEASE HIM and live a life that is WORTHY OF HIS NAME !!! That you may BEAR FRUIT IN EVERY GOOD WORK—in WORD AND IN DEED !!! May HIS PEACE RULE IN YOUR HEARTS to which YOU WERE ALL CALLED INTO ONE BODY AND BE THANKFUL !!! May THE MIND AND WORD OF CHRIST DWELL IN YOU RICHLY THROUGH ALL WISDOM, teaching and admonishing one another SPEAKING IN PSALMS HYMNS AND SPIRITUAL SONGS, SINGING WITH gratitude and grace in your hearts TO HIM !!! And whatever you do, do it ALL in the NAME OF THE LORD JESUS giving THANKS TO OUR FATHER THROUGH HIM !!!

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  2. What a beautiful and heart wrenching video! May the Lord pour out his favor and protection on your family, and may the joy of the Lord be your strength as you rely on Him daily to lead and guide you🙏🏻🙏🏻.

    Thank you for sharing!

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  3. Praying for all of Ukraine … for victory, for freedom, for safety, for peace, for life, for faith in Jesus Christ🙏🙏🙏.

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