Listener Stories from Japan

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While Japan is a large, wealthy country, with over 125 million people, less than 1% of the population are Evangelical Christians. FEBC broadcasts are some of the only Christian programming in the entire region. Our FEBC Japan staff recently received two letters from grateful listeners. They share how learning about Jesus has completely changed their lives, sustained them, and given them peace in trying situations.   

From Ms. S.* – Through Life’s Hardships

“I praise the name of the Lord. I believe that I am who I am today thanks to the FEBC broadcasts that I listened to every night next to my pillow. I went to a Christian high school and fell in love with the Bible and hymns, but my faith wasn’t very strong at that time. I got married at the age of 21 and I’ve been married for 50 years. Here is how God moved in my life to bring me closer to Him.”

“One day my daughter decided to drop out of high school. I was filled with despair and sadness, and I wanted to die. When I opened the Bible I used in high school, I read the words of Ecclesiastes chapter 1: “Vanity of vanities, all is vanity.” I thought, “It’s speaking about me and my life, and how I am viewing my daughter’s decision.”

“Because of reading these words, and with the Lord’s guidance, I started attending a nearby church. Days later, I was sitting at the bedside of my father-in-law, who was in pain and dying. I decided to sing a Christian hymn to my father-in-law. His face became peaceful. At that very moment, I decided that I wanted to believe in this mysterious God and his son Jesus Christ. Shortly after my father-in-law passed away, I was baptized.”

“After becoming a Christian, my husband saw me not putting my hands on the Buddhist altar and told me to get out of the house. But the next day as I prepared to leave and said, “I’m leaving,” my husband relented and said, “Don’t go.” This was also a mysterious grace.”

“It has been 24 years since I was baptized, and many things have happened to me, including my having to stop working due to a hernia, my brother-in-law’s illness and debauchery, and my child’s depression.”

“During those difficult times, listening to FEBC broadcasts every night was a great comfort. The Lord speaks to me on the radio. I was grateful for the miraculous work of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God who died on the cross for me, conquered death and was resurrected, and who continues to do miraculous works even today. Even after undergoing surgery for ovarian cancer in 2014, the Lord keeps me alive. I want as many people as possible to know about Jesus Christ, the God who gives us eternal life.”

Ms. E.* – The Power of Prayer

“Before I became a Christian, I listened to FEBC. I somehow started praying along with the “Lord’s Prayer” that was played at the end of each broadcast by Ms. Keiko [an FEBC broadcaster in Japan].” 

“Although I didn’t understand what the prayer truly meant, initially, I kept saying the words every time I listened to the broadcast. It was the first time I had ever prayed. Because of the prayer that I heard on the radio, I’ve always felt blessed that I know how to pray and lift things up to the Lord.”  

“A church I recently started attending has a prayer meeting, but I feel like I don’t fully fit in. When I pray at church, I ask God to help me through the hardships I am facing. Others pray peaceful prayers of thanksgiving and praise. I’m somewhat embarrassed that I’m the only one who is desperately lifting my needs up to the Lord, but I know that God meets people where they are and is there to help me through my hardships. ”

“It’s been almost 5 years since I discovered FEBC broadcasting. Not a day goes by that I don’t listen to it. I can endure even the toughest days now because I believe that God loves me and is with me. I am grateful that I have found Christ. Thank you very much for your daily broadcast!” 

Because of your partnership, FEBC can share the Good News with people in Japan-Thank you! But there are still 3.2 billion people all over the world who are unreached and have yet to hear the Gospel.

*Names changed to protect identities

Comments 10

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  1. Its amazing to see how God is working around the world. We see the heart & love of God in this broken world. May the Lord continue to work in us that we may have the heart to spread the gospel & lwad people to Christ in these last days.
    All that which is done for Christ will last.

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  2. PRAISE BE TO GOD. He reaches out to everyone , some hear and listen. I look forward to meeting all of the individuals that I helped hear the word. Great JOB FEBC !!!!!!!

  3. Thank you FEBC for your faithfulness to our Lord’s command to “go out into ALL the world.” I’ve known Jesus for 77 years, and He “gets sweeter and sweeter as the days go by…oh what a love between my Lord and I”! May God continue to be glorified through your work….you can be assured of my continued prayers.

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  4. It is good to read the stories of believers there. I have Japanese neighbors that I have been in my prayers for over 35 years here in SC. Results have not been very noticeable, but I keep hoping and being a good neighbor.

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