Serving Through the Bars

FEBCFEBC Blog 7 Comments

Matthew 25:36 says, “I was naked, and you clothed me. I was sick, and you visited me. I was in prison, and you came to me.”

This verse was a catalyst for our FEBC Indonesia team. After reflecting on this verse, our FEBC Indonesia team began regularly traveling to Tangerang Class 1 Detention Center, right outside the capital city of Jakarta to minister to prisoners.

The visits start with a worship service with prisoners in the chapel, which is located inside the prison.

Despite being a predominantly Muslim country, Indonesia has historically been very tolerant of other religions including Christianity, which allows our teams to be open and vocal with teaching about Jesus Christ.

Over 35 people attended the first session of 2024. The main sermon was on Romans 12:11 and was titled “Do Not Let Your Zeal Slacken.” The message was delivered by Pastor Epi Edukasien, who  challenged the congregation to live with zeal for the Lord. He spoke also on the constant struggles and hardships that the prisoners face, and the need for a constant attitude of sincerity and forgiveness.

After the service was completed, a photo was taken with the FEBC Indonesia team and the prisoners who attended. The FEBC Indonesia team also distributed food and drinks while talking with the prisoners.

As the team prepared to leave, the prisoners said, almost in unison, how much they felt blessed by the sermon and for the visit. Please pray for our FEBC Indonesia team as they continue to build relationships with listeners inside and outside of prison walls.

Please ask the Lord to direct their plans to hold a bible class in the prison in the future. The local authorities would need to grant permission for this new activity.

Comments 7

  1. We will be praying for your team to be able to hold Bible classes inside the prison. My husband went to a prison every week for 38 years to share the Gospel with the prisoners and even the guards. He met Manuel Noreiga here at the Renecer prison in Panama.

    1. I pray for God’s direction to be very clear to the FEBC Indonesian team, and for divine wisdom and discernment concerning their final decisions. I pray for God’s perfect Will to be done for the prisoners and the FEBC staff, and for Him to soften the hearts of the ones in authority over this situation. I pray that they too would come to know Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. I pray for the courage and strength and fearless confidence in Christ that they need to carry these services and more for our Lord Jesus Christ, in His Mighty Name, Amen 🙏💕🙌

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      Thank you for praying for direction for our Indonesia team, Julie. We so appreciate your prayers!

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  2. I’m just so thrilled that they are taking time to do this for these poor folks who are stuck in a detention camp! Such a need! It’s wonderful that they’re very first attempt was such a blessing! Both a challenge and consolation for them.

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