Addicted for 14 Years

FEBCFEBC Blog 13 Comments

The following is a story our Thailand team received of a Mien-language listener—Mr. Wang.

“I am 34 years old and I was a drug addict for 14 years. It all started with something as simple as a cigarette. It then progressed to alcohol, and finally heroin. I stopped working on my family farm. I lost my job and was broke.

“People in villages all around mine knew of my terrible reputation. When they would see me walking on the street, they would cross to the other side and avoid me. They were disgusted by me, and were afraid I would ask for money from them for more heroin. Even my friends avoided me, and one day I discovered that my wife had left with our kids to protect them from who I had become. Everything was gone. I was so hopeless.

“It was shortly after hitting rock bottom that several people visited my village. They brought me a delicious meal, talked about Jesus with me, and gave me a radio.

“Being an addict, my first thought was to sell it, so that I could have more money to buy heroin. But before I sold it, I decided to turn it on and listen. I heard a voice on the radio say, “Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.” When I heard this, I was so moved. I somehow managed not to sell the radio. Instead, it became the last friend I had.

“The following week, the same Christians who had visited me before invited me to go to a rehab center. I agreed. There I met people who were not my relatives, whom I had never seen or known, but I could feel the voice of warm love, the care, and the sincere embrace from them.

“Nearly 10 months later, my wife and children came to visit me in the rehab center. I apologized and told them God helped me to quit drugs. I was free in Christ.

“Now I have my family and relatives back, I have a new life, I have hope in God, and I have new sincere friends.

“I want to tell others who are addicts about Jesus Christ. If he can change me, I know he can change them too.”

Comments 13

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  1. Praise the Lord! What a powerful testimonial . Nothing impossible to God. He moves the mountains. Amen! To God be the Glory!

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  2. Thanks for good testimony real jesus saves life of people. And more jesus do. So you are encouraging readers to know that our God can to great and purpose who call in his Name through his son Jesus. Thanks you. God bless you

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      Glad to hear that this testimony spoke to you, Wycliffe! We will continue to share what God is doing in the hearts of FEBC listeners.

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  3. Nothing short of Miraculous !

    Jesus is still giving miraculous deliverance to anyone willing to turn away from False gods & from All Offences against God, then make Jesus Christ the only GOD in life…..the only Truth in life….the only Guide in life…..the only Salvation for both this Earthly life & the Afterlife.

    Happy & blessed by GOD is everyone who loves Jesus Christ the only Saviour & our beloved Master.

    ” You must love the Lord your GOD with all your heart & soul & mind & strength. And your neighbour as yourself.” Thomas.

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