Urgent Update from Ukraine – Please Pray!

FEBCFEBC Blog 37 Comments

From Eduard, Director of FEBC Ukraine: 

“Just a few days ago, Russian forces broke through Ukrainian defenses in Eastern Ukraine and heavily shelled the suburbs of Donetsk. Our radio tower in this area was destroyed. It’s currently impossible to make repairs to the station. 

“Donetsk is a large city in eastern Ukraine, with a population of around one million—it has been under Russian occupation since 2014. We have been broadcasting to the city for about six years, from nearby Hirnyk, which is a suburb of Donetsk. 

“I have personally spoken with the pastor of an underground church in Donetsk. He talked about the inspiration and support they received from our programs and our ministry. 

And we receive powerful testimonies from our listeners living under occupation there, although it can be dangerous for them to write.” 

The Threat to Christian Broadcasts 

“We also just read in the news that local separatists are trying to shut down our broadcasts to all occupied territories…  

“FEBC Ukraine had seven stations throughout Ukraine before the war began. In the midst of the fighting, the Lord has blessed us with three new stations. One in the capital of Ukraine, Kyiv. 

“Of the ten stations we had in Ukraine, we lost two stations in the first year of fighting. The station near Donetsk was our third location to fall.” 

Pray for Pokrovsk 

“…Today, we are at risk of losing our fourth station, this one located in the city of Pokrovsk…This could happen very soon… 

“Pokrovsk is a city in eastern Ukraine with a population of about 60,000 people. It’s surrounded by villages and settlements where another 100,000 people live. FEBC Ukraine began broadcasts here on 103.7 FM in 2018. 

“Over the six years of broadcasting in this region, we have gained many new listeners, and many people have come to local churches after listening to our programs. 

“Today, the city of Pokrovsk is practically on the front line, and an evacuation of the city has been announced. This is a key city on the path of the Russian offensive.  

“A curfew has been imposed: movement within the city is allowed only from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Media companies are leaving the city, taking their equipment with them, and the city is under daily shelling. Despite this, we continue broadcasting in Pokrovsk. We continue to pray with and support our listeners there. 

“This fighting is not just happening in the east of Ukraine. Kyiv is bombed daily. Our broadcasters see missiles fly by outside their windows.  

“Please continue to pray for Ukraine, for our listeners, and for our team, who are risking their lives to continue proclaiming the Gospel.” 


*The image shown above is of Eduard in front of our Pokrovsk station back when it was first established

Comments 37

  1. We are so very sorry and pray for your ministry all the time. We pray this war will stop and others will come alongside the troops to encourage them and we know your broadcasts do this. May God keep you safe and continue to hold you all and your stations in His protective care. God bless all your ministries for His glory!!!

    1. I will pray for the towers to remain protected for furthering the Gospel to the Ukrainens and those fighting each day. What a stressful situation for all of them!

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  2. Father in Heaven, We thank You for all that You have done to bring the Truth of Your Love and of Salvation before the war preparing the people to trust You and take courage. Thank You for the brave men and women who continue to minister to the needs of the people in such hardship. We pray that they would not lose heart but remain steadfast in their Faith, casting their anxiety on You and finding the mysterious Peace of Your Presence. We pray for protection over the remaining towers and the workers there. May the Word You have sent out remain in the hearts and minds of the listeners to bring them Salvation, Hope and comfort. To You be the Glory in such a dark place and time. In Jesus’ Holy Name We Pray this.

    1. Amen to this prayer! LORD of Hosts, send your angels to war in the heavenlies for the people of the regions/nations. May Your Kingdom/way of doing and Being come, and Your will/Way/word be done in earth as it is in Heaven. We honor Your Name, O GOD! Jesus/Yeshua, You are Lord of All.

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  3. I’m praying for Edward and all the staff to be courageous, uplifted and protected. “You who fear the Lord, trust in the Lord. He is their help and shield.” Ps 115

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  4. Dear Lord, I plead your protection over the broadcasters and the vital airwaves in Ukrainian, taking the Gospel to these precious people, whom you love. I pray that Your peace will surround them, that they will be resilient and courageous. Shield them Lord, from all negative forces which seek to discourage them. Help them to know that Christians the world over are standing with them and pray for peace with You.

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      Amen, the Gospel is vital in this conflict. We pray that it would stay on the air despite these frequent incursions and attacks.

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  6. I pray daily for the war in Ukraine to end & Russia to return home. I also pray for a great awakening and revival in both countries.

    I also pray daily for mission & ministry of FEBC and for God’s protection in all areas of ministry.

    All HIS Blessings.

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  7. Praying for protection for the people and FEBC staff in Pokrosvk. Praying for all FEBC staff in Ukraine to know God’s presence and that their work is not in vain. God, I thank you for the work of FEBC and the encouragement and gospel truth they bring through their programs. Thank you for the work that they have done and will continue to do.

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  8. I pray too, that your radio broadcast continue to touch hearts in the midst of all this chaos. May God protect all of you, The people, your broadcast all the staff Their families and the soldiers. I do pray for peace in Jesus name amen.

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  9. Psalm 46:
    7 The Lord of hosts is with us;
    The God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah
    8 Come, behold the works of the Lord,
    Who has made desolations in the earth.
    9 He makes wars cease to the end of the earth;
    He breaks the bow and cuts the spear in two;
    He burns the chariot in the fire.
    10 Be still, and know that I am God;
    I will be exalted among the nations,
    I will be exalted in the earth!
    11 The Lord of hosts is with us;
    The God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah

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  10. Emphasized: Father in Heaven, We thank You for all that You have done to bring the Truth of Your Love and of Salvation before the war preparing the people to trust You and take courage. Thank You for the brave men and women who continue to minister to the needs of the people in such hardship. We pray that they would not lose heart but remain steadfast in their Faith, casting their anxiety on You and finding the mysterious Peace of Your Presence. We pray for protection over the remaining towers and the workers there. May the Word You have sent out remain in the hearts and minds of the listeners to bring them Salvation, Hope and comfort. To You be the Glory in such a dark place and time. In Jesus’ Holy Name We Pray this.

  11. Prayed for covering of protection upon all FEBC Ukraine staff and the protection of station facilities from destruction. That God will send His angels to watch over the staff and all facilities, so that the broadcast continue to encourage every listener to keep their faith in Jesus from harm the war may cause but most especially for their eternal salvation.

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  12. I was a missionary broadcaster with FEBC in the Philippines and I can’t imagine seeing a missile fly by while on a program. May the Lord bless and keep you. I am thankful for your faithfulness, and I pray for your safety and the leading only the Holy Spirit can give.

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      It’s incredible to try and imagine the courage it takes to continue broadcasting in light of things like this, Christine. Thank you for your work in the Philippines and for continuing to pray for our team in Ukraine!

  13. Praying for God to bring His kingdom increase in the midst of this war. Ps. 108:5-6 “Be exalted O God, above the heavens and Your glory above all the earth, that Your beloved may be delivered. Save with Your right hand and answer me.”

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