Preparing for Victory (Ep. 214)

FEBCPodcast 4 Comments

Confusion, distraction, discouragement—just some of the tools the evil one uses to keep us from moving forward in ministry. How do we prepare to face this opposition and move with confidence in difficult times? Join Ed and Wayne as they open their Bibles and share insights on preparing to engage our world with humble confidence as followers of Christ. We’ll hear the accounts of dedication under pressure and provision from the Lord in times of need. Listen and learn the lessons of faithfulness and be encouraged by stories of joy in sharing the Gospel…Until All Have Heard.

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Comments 4

    1. Post

      I believe our broadcasts in India reach Bangladesh, but I will check with our team and get back to you.

    2. Post

      Hi Jerry, just got word back from our team in India, here is what they said: “We do not broadcast from Bangladesh but our broadcasts from West Bengal [in India] reaches Bangladesh. We have Bengali programs over the radio and internet.”

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