Finding Hope in the Darkest Places

FEBCFEBC Blog 6 Comments

In many countries around the world, opposition to the Gospel is intensifying… but God continues to work in miraculous ways. On a recent Until All Have Heard podcast, Ed Cannon, President and CEO, shared several awe-inspiring listener stories from people living in extremely difficult places.


FEBC’s ministry began in China 80 years ago. Today there are still 443 unreached people groups in this country, and it’s become increasingly difficult to reach people with the Good News, but doors are still being opened…

A listener in China shared:

“I have been listening to your programs for the last 4 years. I feel they are a big help for me. I am now a changed person from inside out. Your programs allow me to know God and know myself, and urge us to put God’s Word into practice.

“I have been ill for many years, I had 4 operations on my brain and have other psychological disorders. I kept listening to FEBC and Jesus has become my best friend.”

“What a transformation of life… What a great testimony to the effectiveness of Christ’s Gospel. When it’s preached in its entirety and exactly the way Jesus intended for us to hear it, lives are changed. These are the kinds of results we see,” said Ed.


There is no other place where Ed has felt more oppression against Christians than in Pakistan. “I’ve been to Pakistan a number of times… You can feel it,” Ed said.

“Almost every church there has a memorial where some bombing happened…they have armed guards with machine guns, bomb-sniffing dogs—it’s a very oppressive place.”

But in that dark place, the Gospel can often shine the brightest. We recently received a message from a listener in Pakistan: “We have been listening to your program for the last year and it’s unbelievable to have such amazing teaching in a very personal way.”


“Drug and alcohol abuse are a huge problem in Russia,” Ed shared. “I’ve sat at restaurants in Russia before and seen men drink an entire bottle of vodka and then stand up and walk out the door.”

Ed was able to visit a Christian rehab center in Russia. The center plays FEBC radio constantly, so the men and women attending are all able to hear our Gospel broadcasts each and every day.

During that visit, a burly Russian man who was in recovery came up to Ed. He boldly said, Keep telling us what the Gospel says, tell us what Jesus says, and tell me how I can become a real follower of Jesus Christ!”

In that moment, Ed was reminded again how the hunger for the Gospel in Russia is evident. Another Russian listener wrote in to say, “The Christian rehab center saved my life. I became a Christian there, and that’s where I started listening to FEBC programs. You helped me so much, thank you.”

Breaking free from alcohol and drug addiction did change this listener’s life, but finding salvation through Jesus Christ is what gave him a purpose and truly saved his life.

Click here to listen to the full podcast episode which includes an update from Thailand

Comments 6

  1. Thank you for the work you do proclaiming the Gospel and bringing the light of God and the Savior to the dark places of the world. and I thank the Lord for all of this.

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  2. I thank God for your ministry. Many are unable to even go to church or even have a Bible and you make it possible to airwaves that they can hear the gospel and they can become a disciple of Christ. I’m so grateful for you. I have the capability of having all this and a church family so I’m thankful to hear these testimonies of those who don’t. You guys make that possible? Blessings and gratefulness in Christ Mary Reyes.

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      You’re right, Mary, it’s such a blessing to have that church community and spiritual teaching in our country, which many in other parts of the world do not have access to. Thank you for your prayers.

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  4. What an inspiring story of the Russian man in the Christain rehab centre in Russia hearing daily along with others undergoing the program. May God reach many and bless the workers and the ones hungry and thirsty of heart. God’s richest blessings on FEBC. Amen

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