Delivering the Hope of the Gospel in Hostile Places!

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Radio is sometimes the only way to reach into countries where Christianity is unwelcome and often dangerous . . . but God is using FEBC broadcasts in astonishing ways.

In many places where FEBC is at work, details cannot be shared, including the name of the country, cities, towns, or the believers we partner with. To share that information could provoke authorities to look for clues to finding people who dare to follow Christ within their borders.

Yet even in the most hostile lands, radio is delivering the hope of the Gospel with listeners like Sam, who was a Buddhist monk when he first tuned in to FEBC’s radio programs. There, he heard the unmistakable truth in his own language.

He remained a monk for several more years, but as he listened, he continued to grow in the light of God’s love. Finally, the day came when Sam decided to accept Jesus Christ as his Savior. He walked away from his life as a monk and from everything he had ever known—including the respect of his people—to become a follower of Christ (Matthew 20).

When the FEBC team first met Sam, he was actively sharing the Good News with unreached people groups in villages where the vast majority of people are Buddhist or Muslim.

Sam was bravely at work in a mission field FEBC knows to be truly hungry to hear the hope of the Gospel. This is why, despite the security risks that continue in this dangerous country, FEBC is preparing to step through open doors to continue and expand outreaches to thousands more people who are living in spiritual darkness.

Our outreaches and broadcasts will deliver the Good News to people like Sam who is no longer a monk. Instead, he is a Christian and a pastor because FEBC reached him in the language he understands!

Our prayer is God will further expand our reach in the days ahead to include three new minority languages, opening opportunities for even more to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Imagine an unreached man or woman tinkering with the radio, seeking something other than static, and then they just happen to come across a station that is loud and clear. Amazingly, it’s in their own language!

Sam, a former Buddhist monk in a country where Christianity is unwelcome, can attest to the impact of FEBC’s broadcasts and how effective they are in reaching the unreached. He says,

I thank God for guiding me away from Buddhism towards Christ and to make me His messenger of hope to others. Thank you, FEBC, for opening my eyes and my heart to hear the Word of God. I pray He will give you the power to spread the Gospel to many more . . .

Please give and pray God will bless FEBC’s bold and innovative plans to reach hostile lands with the Gospel, bringing the hope of salvation through Christ to everyone within reach.

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