FEBC’s Radio Fund Is Empty: What’s at Stake?

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FEBC radio rides invisible electromagnetic waves in the air, crossing all borders delivering the Good News every day into 50 countries, in 152 languages, and each broadcast is delivered by specially trained local broadcasters who understand the culture of their listeners.

Through this extraordinary medium, millions of the hardest to reach people on Earth can tune in and hear there is hope, that they have a Savior in Jesus Christ . . . but the unreached cannot tune in, cannot hear the Good News, if they don’t have a radio.

This is why, for decades, FEBC has distributed radios in parts of the world where they aren’t available, where poverty makes them an out-of-reach luxury, and where electricity is sketchy or nonexistent.

But FEBC’s Radio Fund has been depleted. It’s empty.

Please give generously now to help provide radios that broadcast the hope of the Gospel, which can change everything for a family, perhaps even an entire village, for eternity.


An FEBC listener in Indonesia is nearly deaf, but his hunger for God’s Word is great and the radio he received through the generosity of a caring friend is his only way to hear the FEBC broadcasts that fuel his faith.

So at every opportunity his radio is on, and it’s on as loud as it can go . . .

The volume is so loud that neighbors and passersby can’t help but hear the message that there is hope for this life and they have a Savior who died for them because of a love so great!

After overhearing the Good News, people will look at the old man and see the smile on his face, the joy in his eyes. Some may stop and ask why he is so happy when he cannot even hear. Others may ask if it’s true that we really have a God who loves us, who provided the hope of salvation through Jesus Christ.

This story demonstrates the amazing reach of a single radio . . . each day, this believer is drawing people to him to listen, to hear the truth of the Gospel, fanning the flames of newfound faith!

We recently heard from a Cambodian farmer who shared how his radio is broadcasting the Good News to him and to hundreds of villagers as they labor together in the crops . . .

There are so many more stories like these that demonstrate how the distribution of a radio has the potential to reach not just one person, but groups of people, villages, entire communities.

For these listeners, and for countless others who have yet to hear, please give a gift to replenish the radio fund.

Just $40 provides a radio that can bring listeners to faith, even in the poorest, most remote places in the world . . . places where persecution is rife and where there is little to no Christian witness . . . we can even provide specially engineered radios in areas where there is no electricity.

Thank you for giving now to replenish the radio fund so we can deliver 15,000 radios, giving people access to God’s Word through the daily broadcasts of FEBC.

Help Now!

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