New Chapters (Ep. 235)

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The one constant in life is change, which is what Ed and Wayne discuss with pastor James Ford on this episode. Pastor Ford recently retired after serving over four decades at Christ Bible Church in Chicago. Get ready to hear what it takes to stay faithful in ministry while dealing with church problems and personal challenges. You’ll also hear about …

This Life Has an Answer (Stories from Thailand)

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Many people in Thailand face isolation, loneliness, and depression every day. For elderly people in remote areas, maintaining community is difficult. They fall into despair, asking themselves the question, “Does my life even have any meaning?”  For listeners like Somphit, the answer is a resounding yes.   This Life Has an Answer  Somphit heard the Gospel during a dark and lonely …

Testimonies from South Korea

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South Korea has one of the most extensive FEBC ministries, with 13 stations. The broadcasts can be heard throughout the country by an online audience of up to 25 million people (about the population of Texas). Here are several testimonies of God’s goodness our team in South Korea recently received from listeners: Praying for Spiritual Eyes – Sent by Minji*, …

Global Impact Report (2024)

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As we look back on 2024, we’re incredibly thankful to God and to you, our faithful partners, for the millions of lives impacted through your partnership with FEBC.   Take a look at just a few ways your support helped Gospel broadcasts reach listeners around the world last year.  HONG KONG: Over 816,000 hours of online broadcasts were streamed by listeners.  …

Heartwarming News for Ukrainian Kids

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During a dark time for Ukraine, we just received some heartwarming news! Here’s Eduard, our FEBC Ukraine director: “Hello friends!…Good news for Ukrainian kids…” Please continue to pray for our Ukrainian broadcasters who are sharing the hope that can only be found in Jesus Christ.

How Does FEBC Share Christ in Kazakhstan?

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When you live in Kazakhstan, it can be extremely difficult to understand what it means to be a Christian. Misinformation and propaganda about common Christian practices run wild in social and religious gatherings.   Sharing the Gospel with the Kazakh People  To be a Christian in Kazakhstan is often dangerous, and it’s illegal to proselytize—specifically to tell people to follow Jesus. …

Finding Hope in the Darkest Places

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In many countries around the world, opposition to the Gospel is intensifying… but God continues to work in miraculous ways. On a recent Until All Have Heard podcast, Ed Cannon, President and CEO, shared several awe-inspiring listener stories from people living in extremely difficult places. China FEBC’s ministry began in China 80 years ago. Today there are still 443 unreached …

FEBC’s Radio Fund Is Empty: What’s at Stake?

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FEBC radio rides invisible electromagnetic waves in the air, crossing all borders delivering the Good News every day into 50 countries, in 152 languages, and each broadcast is delivered by specially trained local broadcasters who understand the culture of their listeners. Through this extraordinary medium, millions of the hardest to reach people on Earth can tune in and hear there …

“We Decided to Change” – Update from Malawi

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Every month, Amos (pictured holding a radio in the photo), Director of FEBC Malawi, packs up his SUV to visit Yao listeners across Malawi.   It’s August in the heart of the dry season when Amos makes his latest trip. Dust clouds the roads, and smoke from bush fires clog up the air. The roads change from paved to potholed …