Indonesia is one country . . . made up of over 13,000 islands. It’s also home to the largest Muslim population and the 4th most populous country in the world, with over 275 million people. In such a large country that stretches across thousands of remote islands, an astonishing number of people have had little chance of hearing the Gospel. But …
Pandemic Surges in FEBC Listening Areas
While many in the western world may be breathing a sigh of relief as Covid-19 restrictions ease and new cases plummet, in many countries it’s an entirely different story. In early May 2021, India set a global record for new daily cases at over 400,000—far surpassing the daily cases Americans experienced at the height of the U.S. outbreak. In addition …
Impact Update – June 2021
“Whoever has ears to hear, let them hear…” (Mark 4:9). Jesus often repeated this phrase at the end of His parables. Not everyone who heard Him understood His teaching—some had no desire to understand—but He invited them all the same. People whose hearts were open to the Good News of the Kingdom learned and listened. Seeds were planted and some …
Your Questions Answered by Ed Cannon
Recently, FEBC recorded a livestream virtual event – Reaching the Unreached 2021. During the event we took a few minutes to answer questions submitted by a variety of friends and supporters of FEBC. They asked questions like: How is FEBC able to put Gospel content on the internet in places where Christianity is prohibited? What’s the status of the new …
The State of the Gospel in Japan
As one of the most developed nations in the world, Japan is surprisingly unreached with the Gospel. Only 0.8% of the population are professing an evangelical Christian faith. This tiny number is declining as fewer young people are coming to faith in Christ. With every passing year, the average age of Christian believers is creeping higher. If this trend continues, …
What 6,000 Radios Look Like
High up in the mountainous border regions of Thailand are some of the least-reached people groups in the world. Of the entire Thai population, 88% are still considered unreached (unlikely to hear the Gospel in their lifetime), while only 1% are Christian. Reached only by small dirt paths, barely wide enough for two lanes of foot traffic, reaching some of …
To Russia With Love
When COVID-19 struck Russia in 2020, atheism offered no meaningful answers for a people who had lost their sense of personal safety and security amidst the economic and health crises. Searching for answers, large numbers of Russians began tuning their radios to faith-based programs. Many of them contacted FEBC Russia for the first time — a significant increase in call …
The Gospel is On the Air in North Korea!
The people of North Korea can now hear the Good News on the radio! At the end of 2020, on the island of Daebu, South Korea, FEBC completed the construction of a powerful new AM station to reach the people of North Korea. This new station puts the Gospel within earshot of every person in North Korea, which remains one …
Buddhist Monk Becomes Christian Pastor
During a recent 3-day, 360 mile trip to distribute radios to distant towns bordering Laos and Vietnam, our Cambodia team met a man who introduced himself as Pastor Sam Em. The team was surprised to meet him for two reasons: (1) it is rare to meet a Christian pastor in this area, and (2) Pastor Sam Em was once a …
The Teaching that Doesn’t Lead to Death
Mu-Ling was desperately seeking for truth. Like the rest of the Shan people—an ethnic group in northern Thailand and Myanmar—he was Buddhist and his home was filled with idols. Yet he knew there had to be more. In his own words, he was seeking “the teaching that doesn’t lead to death.” These are people who may live their entire lives …