Update from Igor in Ukraine

FEBCFEBC Blog 15 Comments

Since the war in Ukraine began, FEBC has shared many updates from our Ukrainian broadcasting team. Now, over 2 years since the start of the war, FEBC broadcasters are giving updates on what they have experienced, where they are now, and how God is using them to minister to others. Here’s a first-hand update from Igor S., Interim Program Director …

Update from Inna in Ukraine

FEBCFEBC Blog 22 Comments

Since the war in Ukraine began, FEBC has shared many updates from our Ukrainian broadcasting team. Now, over 2 years since the start of the war, FEBC broadcasters are giving updates on what they have experienced, where they are now, and how God is using them to minister to others. Here’s a first-hand update from Inna T., Key Broadcaster, FEBC …

Update from Eduard in Ukraine

FEBCFEBC Blog 14 Comments

Since the war in Ukraine began, FEBC has shared many updates from our Ukrainian broadcasting team. Now, over 2 years later, FEBC broadcasters are sharing updates on where they are now, what they have seen, and how they continue to share the Gospel during this unpredictable war. Here’s a first-hand account from Eduard K., Director of FEBC Ukraine. “Before the …

Reaching the Next Generation in Kazakhstan

FEBCFEBC Blog 18 Comments

After decades of Soviet rule, where people living in Kazakhstan were told God did not exist and churches were shut down and destroyed—a new generation of young Kazakhs are searching for truth and discovering the Gospel.    Anar, a 21-year-old woman from Kazakhstan, wrote in to share, “Through my friend in Almaty (the largest city in Kazakhstan), I learned about your broadcast. It was …

Khmu Listener Stories

FEBCFEBC Blog 8 Comments

Over 100 Khmu children gathered for a Christian youth camp put on by FEBC staff last year in Thailand, where broadcaster Samuel* encountered two young listeners with extraordinary stories.   The Khmu are a small ethnic minority of just under 900,000 people living throughout the highlands of southeast Asia. Over 70,000 Khmu are Christians and most are listeners of FEBC …

Global Impact Report – 2023

FEBCFEBC Blog 8 Comments

As 2023 comes to a close, we’re encouraged by the many ways we see the Lord moving within the ministry of FEBC. Here are some of the many things accomplished through FEBC last year: OVERALL IMPACT 2.9 million traditional responses from listeners (calls, text, letters, emails, visits) 19 million online streaming listeners 556,000+ increase in total podcast audience subscribers  80,000+ …

A Life Saved in Kyrgyzstan

FEBCFEBC Blog 8 Comments

In Kyrgyzstan, a young woman named Ainura recently called FEBC’s radio station deeply concerned about her daughter. Ainura said her daughter Rayana was extremely depressed, battling suicidal thoughts. FEBC’s broadcasters shared advice over the air, but then went a step further.   Soon after the call, the FEBC broadcasters met with Ainura and her daughter Rayana in-person to pray, give further counseling, …

How to Pray for Ukraine (November, 2023)

FEBCFEBC Blog 19 Comments

FEBC broadcasters and staff are spread out across Ukraine. Some have returned to larger cities, but all are enduring much for the sake of the Gospel.  Many of our male broadcasters have been called to serve in the military, and several are stationed around the country on the frontlines as chaplains. They are separated from their families and only have sporadic …

Cassim’s Hope After a Lifetime of Suffering

FEBCFEBC Blog 10 Comments

One day as a young boy in Mozambique, Cassim Sande was accidentally left unattended by his mother near the charcoal fire they used for cooking.   Cassim wandered too close. When his mother found him lying next to the fire, she thought he was dead. Cassim sustained such severe burns to both of his legs, the doctors decided to amputate. Sadly, …

Reaching Remote Hmong Villages

FEBCFEBC Blog 20 Comments

High up in the mountains of Thailand sit isolated Hmong tribes. They number around four to five million people, but most are scattered across small villages in Southeast Asia and China. Dirt roads connect small modest homes and businesses. Chickens and dogs roam around the villages, and mothers, often with young children strapped to their backs, tend gardens and sell …