Letters from Japan

FEBCFEBC Blog 8 Comments

Despite being a technologically advanced country with many opportunities for people to hear the Gospel, Japan remains one of the hardest-to-reach places. So many have their hearts closed to the Gospel, which is why we are so delighted to receive some heartwarming feedback from two listeners. Ms. R*: “Years ago, I was tired of living and wanted to kill myself. …

Pray for our Ukrainian Counselors (4-19-2022)

FEBCFEBC Blog, Ukraine Staff Prayer 23 Comments

Over the next few weeks, we will be highlighting FEBC Ukraine staff members, detailing how you can support them through prayer. Here is an update about our prayer helpline counselors: For FEBC Ukraine’s prayer helpline counselors, this Easter season is one that has been filled with both suffering and joy. Listeners who have experienced tragedy and are living in fear, …

Pray for Nina (4-14-2022)

FEBCFEBC Blog, Ukraine Staff Prayer 8 Comments

Over the next few weeks, we will be highlighting FEBC Ukraine staff members, detailing how you can support them through prayer. Please pray for Nina, who oversees the counselors and volunteers who operate our prayer helpline in Ukraine. People have been calling in almost nonstop since the conflict started in February. Counselors have been working into the night, manning phones …

Pray for Max (4-2-2022)

FEBCFEBC Blog, Ukraine Staff Prayer 6 Comments

Over the next few weeks, we will be highlighting FEBC Ukraine staff members, detailing how you can support them through prayer. Today, please join us in praying for Max, FEBC Ukraine’s program director. Max was the cohost of FEBC Ukraine’s morning show before the war, and now hosts longer-form programs where he encourages listeners, prays with them, and reads the …

Inna’s Daily Prayer Meetings from Ukraine

FEBCFEBC Blog 11 Comments

Almost every day during the war, FEBC Ukraine broadcaster, Inna Tsaruk, has been holding prayer meetings virtually with FEBC listeners. “People write in with prayer requests, with questions, and sometimes with anger. I read them and answer them as well as I can, and, of course, we pray,” Inna said. “Many people continue writing to me after the broadcasts. They …

Pray for Alexandr and Nadia (3-27-2022)

FEBCFEBC Blog, Ukraine Staff Prayer 8 Comments

Over the next few weeks, we will be highlighting FEBC Ukraine staff members, detailing how you can support them through prayer. Today we invite you to pray for for Alexandr and Nadia Pastushak. Alexander and Nadia often minister at FEBC Ukraine as a team. They host the Family Bible Hour program together and they both serve as counselors on FEBC’s …

Pray for Iryna (3-23-2022)

FEBCFEBC Blog, Ukraine Staff Prayer 26 Comments

Over the next few weeks, we will be highlighting a new FEBC Ukraine staff member, detailing how you can support them through prayer. Please join us in praying for Iryna Korolenko over the next several days. Iryna is a vital part of the FEBC-Ukraine team, managing counselors and volunteers, hosting a program to encourage teenagers, and providing strategic leadership on …