Do we take the love of God for granted? What would happen if the reality of His love took hold of our hearts? Ed and Wayne share key passages that expose how the true nature of God’s love should be demonstrated in every part of our lives. See how this truth is put in action as we hear the ways …
Radio Outreach – with Bruce Munsterman (Ep. 124)
In a world of turmoil, the power of the Gospel is taking root. We’ll get an overview of how FEBC is broadcasting the life-giving message of Christ in areas that are in the grip of darkness. Recently Ed was interviewed at KHCB in Houston by our friend, Bruce Munsterman. In this episode you’ll hear a conversation about the way FEBC …
No Reason to Hide – with Dr. Erwin Lutzer (Ep. 123)
How do we continue into 2023 with courage as committed followers of Christ? Joining us to help us prepare to face the challenges before us is our good friend Dr. Erwin Lutzer. Be ready to have your eyes opened and your heart challenged as we get a sample of the teaching from Dr. Lutzer’s new book “No Reason To Hide.” …
Committed to Outreach (Ep. 122)
Ed and Wayne welcome back FEBC’s V.P. of Development, David Wollen, who gives us the big picture on the way FEBC is reaching out to billions of people of who don’t know anything about Jesus. Discover how we keep a personal connection as we communicate the Gospel through media, as well as what strategies we use where the Gospel is …
A Good Friend (Ep. 121)
In today’s world it’s hard to know who to believe. In this podcast, Ed and Wayne introduce you to an FEBC broadcaster who has earned the trust of millions by being real with his listeners. We’ll get to meet “Yutsa” who tells how sharing his life struggles in a humble and honest way has built bridges to Chinese-language listeners. Find …
Lessons On Courage – with Victor Akhterov (Ep. 119)
Irina Nesterenko, FEBC’s new leader for the Ukrainian Christian Counseling Center was almost killed twice in the past few months. Then, just weeks ago, she learned her father was diagnosed with cancer. How could anyone faithfully share the Gospel under such extreme pressure? Listen and be encouraged as you hear what God is doing in Ukraine and other difficult places …
Undying Love – with Dr. Joe Stowell (Ep. 118)
It’s easy to love the baby in the manger, but how do we take that love for Jesus into our daily lives? Joining Ed to talk about growing and protecting our love for Jesus is Dr. Joe Stowell. Dr. Stowell is a pastor, educator, author, and our friend. Listen in as this group of long-time friends open the Bible together …
A Global Christmas Party (Ep. 117)
There’s so much about Christmas traditions that give us comfort. But each year there are new facets of the story of Christ’s birth that still fill us with wonder. In this episode we’re going to let our FEBC broadcasters help us see Christmas with new eyes. Join Ed and Wayne as we take you on a journey that will change …
Waiting for Peace on Earth – with Sergey Nakul (Ep. 116)
When Jesus was born the world was not safe or comfortable. Now too, our world faces uncertain and dangerous times. How do we experience the promise given to the shepherds of “Peace of Earth?” Joining Ed and Wayne from Ukraine is Pastor and Senior FEBC broadcaster, Sergey Nakul. You’ll gain an important perspective on the prince of peace from a …
The Servant’s Attitude (Ep. 115)
Join Ed and Wayne for a conversation designed to help us understand what it means to have a servant’s attitude. You’ll want to follow along in your Bible as we trace the way Jesus models what it means to be a servant. Ed also reports on the recent gathering of FEBC International staff and what he has learned from the …