The True Christmas Gift (Ep 14)

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Join us for an FEBC Christmas celebration! We’ll get help from Pastor “T”, our staff member overseeing the work in Southeast Asia.  He’ll point out key elements of the Christmas story that connect with listeners in that part of the world who still do not know the hope of a savior…Until All Have Heard.  

Christmas in Russia (Ep 13)

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Ed and Wayne welcome Victor Ahkterov, FEBC’s Russian ministry director back to the studio. Victor tells how the Biblical story of Christmas is shared in the unique cultures of Russia and Ukraine. These countries are struggling in the COVID-19 pandemic and Victor shares how celebrating the birth of a savior is so important in this fearful time…Until All Have Heard. …

A Heart of Gratitude (Ep 10)

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In this edition we’ll sample some of the amazing stories of “thanksgiving” from FEBC listeners in difficult places at difficult times. Learn from their examples—and scripture’s example—the importance of developing a heart overflowing with thankfulness…Until All Have Heard.  

A Joy To Serve (Ep 9)

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Jonathan Mortiz always says, “It’s my joy to serve.” Originally from the Philippines, Jonathan oversees our broadcast ministry to the remote regions of Thailand. In this episode, Ed and Wayne give you an up-close look at dedicated servants like Jonathan who invest their lives proclaiming the Gospel…Until All Have Heard.  

The Future of FEBC (Ep 8)

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In this episode, we invite you to an insider conversation about the future of FEBC. Ed has some great stories of local staff who have modeled a level of commitment that have shaped his understanding of what the next generation of broadcaster will look like. What you’re about to hear will stir up a passion to step out for Christ …

75 Years on Mission (Ep 6)

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In this edition Ed and Wayne invite you to get inside and inspect the details about FEBC. We’ll start with the original vision of our founders Dr. Bob Bowman and John Broger. You’ll find out the location of “Christian Radio City”, the importance of “13 years, 25 days,” and discover who said, “I don’t have one American dime.”  And along …

Losing Everything (Ep 5)

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What does it take to reach the Muslim world for Christ? Learn from the story of a man in Pakistan who lost everything when he came to faith in Christ. The rich joy in his heart is a testimony to the world that following Christ is worth the cost. In this edition Ed and Wayne discuss why the message of …