Why is the suffering of Christ so important to remember during Holy Week? What can we learn from believers around the world who experience joy as they face extremely difficult circumstances? Listen as Ed and Wayne talk about the connection our suffering Savior makes with a world of pain…Until All Have Heard.
Reaching North Korea (Ep. 27)
Ed and Wayne talk with Billy Kim, a man who has decades of ministry experience in South and North Korea. You’ll hear exciting news of how the people of North Korea now have access to the Gospel and other stories of God’s provision…Until All Have Heard.
Special Deliveries (Ep. 26)
What would it be like to bring the Gospel to a remote village that has never heard of Jesus? Find out as Ed talks with Mr. “N” who delivers radios to hard-to-reach communities, and just received a shipment of 6,000 radios. Get a first-hand report of how rural communities are being impacted through hearing the Word of God in their …
New Ways, Same Word (Ep. 25)
Passion, boldness, courage…what keeps these traits alive and well after 75 years of ministry? Hear about the life and legacy of FEBC founder, Dr. Bob Bowman and his urgency to share the Gospel…Until All Have Heard. Podcast Transcript [Wayne]: This is “Until All Have Heard.” I’m Wayne Shepherd. I’m with Ed Cannon, the current president of the Far East …
Then and Now (Ep. 24)
What would it take to unlock faith for people in the social media age? Hear from long-time FEBC listeners from Russia and China who were enriched when they discovered new programs on their phones and computers…Until All Have Heard. Podcast Transcript [Ed]: We’ve heard testimonies, Wayne, from listeners in Ukraine who say “I’m not a Christian. I’m not even …
Putting Feet to Our Faith (Ep. 23)
Ed continues his conversation with Luke Cheng, FEBC’s new Director of US Chinese Ministries. Together they’ll discuss what it means to “deny yourself”. We’ll see how this was demonstrated by followers of Christ at key moments in Luke’s spiritual journey…Until All Have Heard. Podcast Transcript [Wayne]: …Last time on the podcast, we met Luke Chang who is our new …
A New Direction (Ep. 22)
“Come follow Me”, what would it look like to put those words of Jesus into action. Ed talks with Luke Chang to hear how God’s call has set his life in a new direction. Luke graduated with many degrees and was a successful software engineer with major corporations, but now serves as FEBC’s new Director of Chinese Ministries. Hear his …
Not Quiet Anymore (Ep. 21)
A Mongolian cab driver calls us to not be silent about our faith in Christ. Ed and Wayne react to this amazing story of conversion, commitment and courage from an FEBC listener…Until All Have Heard.
Reflecting God’s Love (Ep 20)
Do we take the love of God for granted? What would happen if the reality of His love took hold of our hearts? Ed and Wayne share key passages exposing how the true nature of God’s love should be demonstrated in every part of our lives. See how this truth is put in action as FEBC shares the love of …
Hello, Teacher (Ep 19)
What can awaken an appetite for God’s word in a non-Christian nation? We’ll discover how FEBC works to satisfy the hunger of those seeking truth. Ed and Wayne will talk with Jonathan Mortiz, our staff member who will share responses from Thailand about the FEBC Bible Correspondence Course…Until All Have Heard.