Jesus’ prayer for unity in John 17 is a unique Christian commitment that unites diverse people groups around the world. With Bible in-hand, Ed and Wayne’s discuss Christ’s call to “love one another.” Have your heart refreshed with unity around the gospel…Until All Have Heard
Promise for a Hurting World (Ep 17)
Hear stories of FEBC listeners who have trusted us to guide them through heartbreaking circumstances. Ed opens God’s word to several passages about the promise of hope and a challenge for all of us in times of severe pain. Gain an eternal perspective as we follow Christ in a hurting world…Until All Have Heard.
Turning the Page (Ep 16)
Ed and Wayne discuss the lessons learned from facing COVID-19 in 2020 and the vision for following Christ in 2021. Throughout the conversation Ed will share key passages that have been important for him as he prepares to step into a new year of ministry…Until All Have Heard.
Hope for China (Ep 15)
Ed and Wayne discuss the major challenges of 2020 and how God guided FEBC through this difficult year. We’ll hear stories from around the world about life change through the Gospel. You won’t want to miss a powerful story how COVID-19 shaped the spiritual growth of a man in China.…Until All Have Heard. Podcast Transcript [Ed]…So many people, I think, …
The True Christmas Gift (Ep 14)
Join us for an FEBC Christmas celebration! We’ll get help from Pastor “T”, our staff member overseeing the work in Southeast Asia. He’ll point out key elements of the Christmas story that connect with listeners in that part of the world who still do not know the hope of a savior…Until All Have Heard.
Christmas in Russia (Ep 13)
Ed and Wayne welcome Victor Ahkterov, FEBC’s Russian ministry director back to the studio. Victor tells how the Biblical story of Christmas is shared in the unique cultures of Russia and Ukraine. These countries are struggling in the COVID-19 pandemic and Victor shares how celebrating the birth of a savior is so important in this fearful time…Until All Have Heard. …
A Global Birthday Celebration (Ep 12)
Ed and Wayne start off the Advent season discussing what “Merry Christmas” means around the world. We’ll talk about the significance of a “global birthday,” and Ed will talk about the story of Simeon and how Jesus coming to Earth offers the gift of salvation for all people. Enter into the true meaning for the season as we let the …
A Joy To Share (Ep 11)
FEBC staff member Mehm Tun Thein gives us an up-close look at the work with the Mon people group in Southeast Asia and how this predominately Buddhist community is responding to the Gospel…Until All Have Heard.
A Heart of Gratitude (Ep 10)
In this edition we’ll sample some of the amazing stories of “thanksgiving” from FEBC listeners in difficult places at difficult times. Learn from their examples—and scripture’s example—the importance of developing a heart overflowing with thankfulness…Until All Have Heard.
A Joy To Serve (Ep 9)
Jonathan Mortiz always says, “It’s my joy to serve.” Originally from the Philippines, Jonathan oversees our broadcast ministry to the remote regions of Thailand. In this episode, Ed and Wayne give you an up-close look at dedicated servants like Jonathan who invest their lives proclaiming the Gospel…Until All Have Heard.