How do you get your heart ready to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday? Ed and Wayne will give you something to direct your thinking as you prepare to sit down at your Thanksgiving table. In this edition we’ll sample some of the amazing stories of gratitude from FEBC listeners living in difficult places in difficult times. Their attitude of gratitude gives …
Close Ties (Ep. 164)
It’s been said that the Kingdom of God expands in the company of friends, and that’s been the case with FEBC and one of our partner ministries, Haven Today. In this episode, David Wollen, FEBC’s former V.P. of Development moves into a new role at Haven Today, as their President and CEO. Listen in as Ed and David talk about …
Reaching the Largest Muslim Country in the World (Ep. 163)
“I’ve never heard such a thing”, says a grateful FEBC listener from Indonesia. In this episode we’re going to learn how radio is reaching people in the largest Muslim-populated country in the world. This summer Ed and Wayne had an opportunity to sit down with FEBC Indonesia’s new CEO, Yoke. In this conversation Yoke shares his vision for ministry and …
Stronger Together (Ep. 162)
What do you get when a global ministry conducts local outreach? This powerful combination creates a “Glocal” focus. Learn about this new term and much more as you listen in on an amazing discussion with Ed and his friend, Jim Wert. Jim is a Fortune 500 corporate strategist who understands the importance of best practices and staying on track by …
Life Lessons from a Good Friend (Ep. 161)
It’s hard to imagine life without friends. In the good and bad times, the Lord uses people that are close to us to support, encourage and challenge us. In this episode we’re going to sit in on an unforgettable conversation with one of Ed’s best friends. Listen as Ed talks with friend, pastor and radio speaker, James Ford. Be ready …
Trends and Testimonies (Ep. 160)
The world is always changing and “thinking outside the box” is the new normal. With all the change in society, how do ministries keep from being “left behind”? Joining Ed to talk about the trends around the world that FEBC is watching is VP of Development, David Wollen. David has spearheaded programs that help the FEBC stay relevant with our …
A Flood of Letters – with Frank Gray (Ep. 159)
Have you ever had to wait for an important letter to come? There’s anticipation and disappointment when you check and find an empty mailbox. That’s the experience the FEBC team had for decades as they waited for responses from China. But that changed in the fall of 1979. Listen in as Ed welcomes back professor, missionary and FEBC broadcaster Frank …
Russia and Ukraine – with Victor Akhterov (Ep. 158)
The war in Ukraine continues to spread destruction, uncertainty, and despair. Into this crisis FEBC broadcasters speak beyond boarders to hurting listeners about the hope of Christ in Ukraine and Russia. In this episode Ed talks with Victor Akhterov revealing the untold story about the courageous work of the Ukrainian and Russian broadcast teams dealing with the war. Learn what …
For Such a Time (Ep. 157)
What would keep you going in the face of great opposition? You won’t want to miss this opportunity to hear about the way FEBC Staff are preparing Chinese language programs that creatively proclaim the Gospel and prepare Christians for ministry in these challenging days. Sit in with Ed and Wayne for a frank and insightful conversation with Luke Cheng, our …
Voices of the Future (Ep. 156)
What will FEBC sound like in the years ahead? Keep listening as you get to sample of the voices that are shaping the future of our broadcasts. We’re continuing our series of on-location interviews from staff conferences around the world. Listen as broadcasters from India, Thailand and Kazakhstan speak in their own words about their passion and vision for the …