Pray for people living in Pakistan, especially for those facing difficult circumstances. FEBC’s team has been sharing the Gospel and building relationships with listeners in this country for 50 years. Ask the Lord for guidance and courage as we counsel those who are resistant towards God’s Word. May His grace and mercy transform their hearts.
March 26th
Pray for our staff in Kazakhstan as they train new team members. Due to political and religious conflict, our team must use extreme caution and wisdom as they share the Good News. May the Gospel message continue to spread to the unreached in this country.
February 25th
Please pray for new ethnic language broadcasts being developed for people groups in northern Thailand. Pray that all details will fall into place as these new languages and broadcasts are being launched.
February 24th
Praise God for the launch of two new ethnic broadcasts in India. We’re told that there’s a large listenership to these programs. Pray that it will reach the hearts of many. Pray, too, for staff and volunteers managing their helpline to meet the needs of people calling in for encouragement and support pointing people to faith in Jesus Christ.
February 23rd
Thank God for the powerful AM radio station on Daebu Island in South Korea that reaches all of North Korea. Pray that North Koreans will hear the Gospel and understand it is a gift from God for all who believe, including them.
February 22nd
Pray for Alexandr and Nadia, broadcasters and evangelistic counselors with FEBC Ukraine. Ask for God to help them endure the conflict, have emotional strength as they serve others through housing refugees, and keep their families safe.
February 21st
Please pray for FEBC Kazakhstan’s prayer counseling team. Listeners are calling with issues like domestic violence, abuse, addictions, and relationship problems. The difficulties listeners are facing in Kazakhstan are often severe and heart-wrenching. Please pray for spiritual and emotional strength for the team of broadcast evangelists who are praying with these listeners.
February 20th
Pray for our team in South Africa who are in the process of launching a radio station in Niger, which is 99.3% Muslim; several unreached people groups also live here. Pray for details to fall into place to make this new station a reality, reaching many Nigeriens for Christ.
February 19th
Pray for FEBC’s radio programs in Indonesia heard in several ethnic languages. A listener recently shared: “We’re not able to attend church now, but we’re very blessed by your programs. They have been a blessing to so many.”
February 18th
Please pray for people living in Belarus, a country that has struggled with political and economic crises. In this region, our programs are heard on social media, which is effective at reaching larger audiences. Pray that many will hear and accept the Good News and share their faith with family and friends.