April 14th

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A Kazakhstan listener told us that God helped her turn away from her bitter feelings after she tuned into our programs. Praise the Lord that people are discovering God’s love, leaning on Him and choosing to forgive others!

April 14th

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Around the world, people have been advised by their government leaders to go into “lockdown,” to remain home to prevent the virus from spreading.

April 13th

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Today, we want to focus on the people of Mongolia. In this landlocked country, FEBC has been blessed with the opportunity to broadcast from 13 FM stations across the country. In addition, programs can also be heard online and through smartphone apps. Praise God that many young Mongolians are coming to faith in this country once overshadowed by the Soviet Union’s atheistic beliefs.

April 13th

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A listener from Thailand shared: “I have stopped resenting my life as a handicapped person, because God loves me and I have started sharing God’s love with others.”

April 12th

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Please pray for the people of Laos who hunger and thirst for the Gospel despite restrictions the Communist government has placed on the Christian faith. Laotians are forbidden to openly believe in Jesus. Pray that God will continue to make it possible for the Gospel to be shared in Laos.

April 12th

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Today is Easter Sunday! Alleluia! On this day, Jesus rose from the grave, overpowering death and granting His followers the gift of salvation…a gift beyond measure!

April 11th

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A listener from China shared: “I record your programs every day and listen to them repeatedly. I also recite the Bible verses you share on air until I have them memorized. God has gradually transformed my life.” Praise God for this listener’s devotion to spending time in God’s Word. Pray that many more will tune in and discover God’s gift of salvation.

April 10th

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It is common for FEBC’s team in Thailand to travel great distances to distribute radios to ethnic groups. Please pray for the safety of our team as they travel. Pray, too, that those who receive radios will tune into our programs and realize that the Good News is a gift from God.

April 10th

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Good Friday: Today is the day that Jesus willingly sacrificed His life for our sakes, that we might know life everlasting when we follow Him.