April 9th

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In Indonesia, FEBC owns and operates 7 FM stations where listeners learn about Jesus and are prompted to call in with questions about faith. FEBC is also heard on 100 local stations through the Internet. Please pray for our staff to have wisdom and discernment, as they comfort hurting people searching for hope and encouragement, especially as the pandemic continues to cause great distress and suffering.

April 9th

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With over 1.3 billion people in India, many of whom live below the poverty line, preventing the spread of COVID-19 will be especially challenging, as many people live in very close quarters.

April 8th

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Despite North Korea’s prohibition against Christianity, FEBC is committed to broadcasting the Good News to this remote nation from a South Korean island. Please pray that the people of North Korea will tune in, hear that they are loved by God, and receive His gift of salvation.

April 7th

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In Moldova, FEBC programs can be heard on 7 radio stations in the Russian language. Please pray over these stations and ask that the Holy Spirit will speak to each person to help them develop a personal relationship with Jesus.

April 6th

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The Mien are an ethnic people group who reside in China and throughout Southeast Asia. Recent feedback has shown that access to the Word of God through radio stations and social media is changing lives. Praise the Lord for the great opportunity to proclaim the Good News of Jesus! Continue to pray for the Mien, as most do not yet know Jesus. The Christian population is currently less than 1%.

April 5th

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Please pray for our relationship with churches around the world, as they provide fellowship and discipleship for new believers. FEBC uses indigenous broadcasters to reach people with the saving message of the Gospel in their own language.