Pray for our team in South Africa who are in the process of launching a radio station in Niger, which is 99.3% Muslim; several unreached people groups also live here. Pray for details to fall into place to make this new station a reality, reaching many Nigeriens for Christ.
February 19th
Pray for FEBC’s radio programs in Indonesia heard in several ethnic languages. A listener recently shared: “We’re not able to attend church now, but we’re very blessed by your programs. They have been a blessing to so many.”
February 18th
Please pray for people living in Belarus, a country that has struggled with political and economic crises. In this region, our programs are heard on social media, which is effective at reaching larger audiences. Pray that many will hear and accept the Good News and share their faith with family and friends.
February 17th
In Hong Kong and China, FEBC has trained up many Bible study leaders and pastors through LiangYou Bible Institute, a rigorous online program that prepares participants to be Christian leaders. Despite ongoing challenges in China, pray that nothing will hamper this program from preparing leaders to be tomorrow’s pastors.
February 16th
A listener named Artem in Russia recently shared: “I almost became a drug addict after my mother died. I didn’t have any friends, no family I could talk to. I felt like a robot. Except when I heard your broadcasts…through them, God breathes life and strength into my soul.” Please pray for listeners like Artem who are finding hope and coming to faith through FEBC’s programs in Russia.
February 15th
Take a moment to thank God and praise Him for the millions of people all over the world who have tuned into FEBC today and heard the Good News. Thank the Lord for the seeds that have been planted, and for those who have accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior! May the Gospel continue to be proclaimed… until all have heard.
February 14th
Pray today for Reverend Amos, the national director of our team in Malawi. May God continue to bless his efforts as he travels weekly throughout his country to visit Yao language listeners, distribute audio Bibles, and establish listener clubs.
February 13th
Pray for the unreached in Kazakhstan. Our team has seen great results reaching young people through videos on social media. They recently held a 2-day meeting in the city of Shymkent, where they met with people from their audience, handed out Bibles, and shared more about Jesus face to face. Please pray for these young people to understand the Gospel clearly and place their faith in Jesus Christ.
February 12th
Pray for FEBC’s work in Cambodia, where listeners can hear our programs through radio, Gospel Speaker Boxes, the internet, mobile apps, Facebook and YouTube. In this Buddhist-dominant country, pray that many will respond to God’s grace and the gift of His Son, Jesus.
February 11th
Over 1.4 million Afghan refugees are now living in Pakistan due to the Taliban’s seizure of Afghanistan. Pray that the Pakistani government will engage with them in a compassionate manner. Pray, too, that our team in Pakistan will reach these refugees with the Gospel.