August 17th

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Pray for FEBC’s work in Cambodia, where listeners can hear our programs through radio, Gospel Speaker Boxes, the internet, mobile apps, Facebook and YouTube. In this Buddhist-dominant country, pray that many will respond to God’s grace and the gift of His Son, Jesus.

August 16th

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Today, pray for the people of North Korea who are struggling with starvation made worse by torrential flooding, which has destroyed crops. Pray for both the physical and spiritual needs of the people. Pray, too, that North Koreans will tune into FEBC’s broadcasts and discover the hope of Christ.

August 15th

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Pray for our team in South Africa who are in the process of launching a radio station in Niger, which is 99.3% Muslim; several unreached people groups also live here. Pray for details to fall into place to make this new station a reality, reaching many Nigeriens for Christ.

August 14th

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Pray for FEBC’s radio programs in Indonesia heard in several ethnic languages. A listener recently shared: “We’re not able to attend church now, but we’re very blessed by your programs. They have been a blessing to so many.”

August 13th

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Pray for local churches in Ukraine to shine the light and love of Christ to all who are broken and seeking. May God provide protection as they find safe places to gather, and may He guide men and women who are rising up to lead during this time of crisis.

August 12th

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Please pray for new programs launched by our team in Japan last fall. Pray they will offer spiritual nourishment to our listeners. Also, pray for spiritual unity and care for our staff through prayer meetings and a retreat.

August 11th

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A listener in Russia told an FEBC broadcaster: “Through your broadcasts, God healed my heart, and I changed! Now I have a great relationship with God, and I am moving forward in my life!” Praise God for His healing power and the gift of His Son, Jesus.

August 10th

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Please pray for new ethnic language broadcasts being developed for people groups in northern Thailand. Pray that all details will fall into place as these new languages and broadcasts are being launched.

August 9th

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Pray for our team in Kazakhstan who produce internet-based programming. Pray for creativity and inspiration, as well as good health, as they share Christ in a Muslim-dominant culture.

August 8th

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Pray for Alexandr and Nadia, broadcasters and evangelistic counselors with FEBC Ukraine. Ask for God to help them endure the conflict, have emotional strength as they serve others through housing refugees, and keep their families safe.