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1 out of 3 people in the world have little to no access to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Our mission is to reach them.

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Unreached Prayer Initiative


Until All Have Heard Podcast

Join host Wayne Shepherd and FEBC’s President, Ed Cannon as they tell stories from around the world of people who have been touched by the Gospel.

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Reaching the Unreached

Some places in the world have so few Christians that they have a special status: Unreached. These are people who may live their entire lives never meeting a single Christian…

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We communicate the Good News among the nations … until every man, woman, and child has heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

We are committed to one thing:

Sharing Christ with the world.

FEBC broadcasts are heard in 152 languages and 50 countries around the world aired from 260 stations and transmitters, totaling 1,571 hours of programming a day/365 days a year. But numbers only tell part of the story. Far more important are the lives impacted by our global radio network that shares the Good News of Jesus Christ with a potential listening audience of 4 billion people. We know listeners are tuning in, because of the many text messages, emails, phone calls, letters and visits we receive. Last year alone, we received over 150 million listener engagements and responses to the Gospel.

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