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Our President on Prayer
“You answer us with awesome and righteous deeds, God our Savior, the hope of all the ends of the earth and of the farthest seas…” (Psalm 65:5)

What words could possibly carry more hope than “You answer us?” David reminds us here in Psalm 65 that we can look to God for tangible answers to our prayers. The people of Israel hearing David’s words would undoubtedly think of the awesome deeds God performed in bringing them out of Egypt into freedom. They knew from their experiences that they could look to God to act on their behalf.

Thankfully, this hope is available not just for some people, but for everyone from the ends of the earth to the farthest seas. Like David, when we come before the Lord in prayer, bringing with us our petitions and requests, our hearts fill with hope because we know our God answers us.

As we ask the Lord to bless FEBC and those who are sharing the Gospel around the world, we know that the Lord will answer us. As we ask the Lord to open doors so that we can share the Gospel with more people in more places, we know that the Lord will answer us.

Let us continue to pray that more will come to know the Lord, our Savior and our hope.

Until all have heard,

Edward W. Cannon
President & CEO

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